Selecting accounts
Before any stage in the bill generation process is invoked, the first step is to select the accounts to be processed. The bill run can either use pre-selected accounts or it can select accounts based on the parameters that you enter.
To pre-select accounts for billing, use the Manage Account page. Each pre-selected account has its PRESELECTEDFORBILLRUN column in the ACCOUNT table set to Y. Then select the Use Pre-selected Accounts check box when creating your bill run.
You can also select accounts based on parameters such as the account area or the billing cycle. Note that not all of the parameters listed in the table above are account selection parameters. Some are used to set values that the bill run process requires to generate bills. These are the account selection parameters for utility and interim bill runs:
- Account Area
- Account Class
- Account Group
- Account Subgroup
- Address Route
- Billing Cycle
- Billing Status
These are the account selection parameters for CDR bill runs:
- Account Area
- Account Class
- Account Group
- Account Subgroup
- Billing Status
- CDR Product
- CDR Type
- CDR Milestone