Winter Average Run
Winter averages are sometimes used to calculate sewer charges, because it is assumed that sewer usage correlates to water usage most directly during the winter. Increased water usage during the rest of the year typically results from activities that don't affect the sewer system, such as watering gardens and filling swimming pools.
- Query the ACCOUNT table for accounts that meet run criteria.
- For each account, get each metered water service that uses winter averaging (SERVICEOPTIONS.ASSETTYPE = 42 [water meter], SERVICEOPTIONS.SERVICETYPE = C [consumption], and SERVICEOPTIONS.WINTERAVGFLAG = Y).
- Calculate winter average for each service:
- Load the correct winter average setup details node for the
service and get the winter months.
When you define a service to use winter averaging, you also set the winter average scheme that the service will use. Each scheme can have one or more details that are selected based on characteristics such as the account class or area. For example, you might have one detail node for residential accounts and another for commercial.
- Get usage for winter months for each service position.
- Calculate average usage for winter months.
- Load the correct winter average setup details node for the
service and get the winter months.
- For new accounts with no usage history, calculate the winter average
as specified in the winter average setup.
The winter average for a new account can be set in three ways: you can copy the winter average from the previous account; you can use the interim average, which is a default value specified in the setup; or you can use the class average.
The class average is the average winter usage for all account services that fall under the same node in the selected winter average scheme. Note that the “class” here is not necessarily the account class, but whatever value is specified for the detail node. (The options are account class, account area, account group, subgroup, and billing cycle.)
- Save the winter average amount and calculation date for each account service.
This table describes the Infor Public Sector setup forms that are used to configure this task:
Setup form | Comments |
Winter Average Setup | Indicates winter months, specifies how to calculate winter average for accounts with no usage history. Different WA setups can be defined for different account classes, areas, groups, subgroups, and billing cycles. |
Service | If service type is consumption and asset type is water meter, you can select the Winter Averaging check box to indicate that the service uses winter averaging. Infor Public Sector will only calculate winter averages for services with this check box selected. If selected, you must enter the WA scheme that the service will use in the field to the right. |
This table lists the database tables that store setup information for this task:
Table | Comments |
BILLING. SERVICEOPTIONS | WINTERAVGFLAG indicates whether a service uses winter averaging. WINTERAVGSETUPKEY indicates scheme to use. |
BILLING.WASETUP | Stores winter average setups. |
This table describes each parameter for this task:
Form | Console | Description |
Account Area | AccountArea (string) | Account area used as a selection parameter. |
Account Class | AccountClass (string) | Account class used as a selection parameter. |
Billing Cycle | BillingCycle (string) | Billing cycle used as a selection parameter. |
Group | Group (string) | Account group used as a selection parameter. |
Subgroup | SubGroup (string) | Account subgroup used as a selection parameter. |
If the Winter Average Run task is successful, you can expect to see a series of messages similar to these in the Billing Batch Process log:
- Winter Averaging Process Started.
- Number of Accounts to be processed – [#].
- Processing Account # - [account #].
- Winter Average calculated for service – [service].
- Successfully processed Account # - [account #].
- Started to Calculate Class Averages for [WA setup node]
- Calculated class average for [WA setup node] – [average amount].
- Successfully finished to Calculate Class Averages for [WA setup node]
- Started to Apply Class Averages for Account Service Key [service key] for Account Number [account #]
- Applied class average on Account# [account #] - service: [service].
- Successfully finished to Apply Class Averages for Account Service Key [service key] for Account Number [account #]
- Winter Averaging Process Completed.
In the database, the PROCESSINGFLAG column in BILLING.WINTERAVERAGERUN is set to Y at the start of a run, and set to N when the run is finished.
Common errors
This table lists some common errors that this task may return:
Error message | Comments |
Winter Average setup could not be retrieved in GetWASetup(). | Ensure that your winter average setups are correctly defined in the Winter Average Setup form. |
No winter month defined for the Winter Average setup in GetWinterAverageMonths(). | Ensure that you’ve checked at least one winter month in the winter average setup. |
Invalid Winter Average month in ValidatePositionForWinterAverage(). | Winter months are not correctly defined in Winter Average Setup. |
Data output
This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:
Table | Comments |
BILLING. ACCOUNTSERVICEPOSITION | The WINTERAVG column stores the winter average for the service position. |
BILLING. WINTERAVERAGERUN | Stores details on the Winter Average run. |
BILLING.ACCOUNTSERVICE | The WINTERAVG column stores the winter average for the service, and the WINAVGCALDATE column indicates the date it was calculated. |
This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:
Form | Comments |
Manage Account page | Used to review information on account services, including the winter average. |