Payment Import Run

The Payment Import Run task imports payment information for billing accounts from import data files.

The process uses an import template to map data in the import files to the Infor Public Sector database. The steps taken to import payments are as follows:

  1. Load all payment import setups from the PAYMENTIMPORTSETUP table.
  2. For each setup, get the import template and the list of files in the import path directory.

    Note that the import template details are stored in the Billing configuration in the Configuration Editor. After getting the name of the template from the import setup, the task loads the details of the template, including the file path and some optional default values, such as a default payment method and whether payment batches should be marked as ready to post.

  3. Call the Import Engine to import the payment information from the import file.
  4. Create payment batches and payments from the imported data.
  5. If the import template’s ReadyToPost attribute is set to “True,” ensure that each batch’s batch count and amount are equal to the total payment count and amount. If so, mark the batch as ready to post (PAYBATCH.RDYPSTFLAG = Y).
  6. Check for any skipped payments.

    Payments are skipped if they match the skip code defined for the import template. To use this feature, you must first create a skip code keyword in the Keyword Manager and include it in the import template. The actual code for the payments to be skipped is set in the import template configuration in the Configuration Editor. Each payment with the same code in the payment import file will be skipped.

    If any payments are skipped, the batch count and amount are both set to zero, indicating that they could not be determined.

  7. When finished, move the payment import file to the archive folder.

    Each file is moved to one of two archive folders under the import file directory: Processed for successful imports or Rejected for unsuccessful ones.


This table describes the Configuration Editor settings that affect this task:

Configuration and pathComments
BILLING/CORRESPONDENCE/Types: PaymentImportTemplateDefines available templates. For each template, the config can specify a default payment source, description, skip code, payment method, and ready to post flag.

This table describes the Infor Public Sector setup forms that are used to configure this task:

Setup formComments
Payment Import SetupAssociates payment import templates with payment import file paths. You can also specify a default setup.
Keyword ManagerDefines the keywords that the import templates use to identify tables and columns in the database.

This table lists the database tables that store setup information for this task:

BILLING. PAYMENTIMPORTSETUPStores payment import setup data.


The Payment Import Run task has no parameters. It can be scheduled and invoked manually through the Infor Public Sector Batch Manager form, and it can also be invoked through the console.

In addition, you can use Create Payment Import on the Infor Public Sector Billing menu to initiate a payment import run manually.


In the database, the PROCESSINGFLAG column in BILLING.PAYMENTIMPORTRUN is set to Y at the start of a run, and set to N when the run is finished.

Common errors

This table lists some common errors that this task may return:

Error messageComments
The Skip Code is not set in the configuration file.Check the Billing configuration in the Configuration Editor. This message indicates that skip code isn’t provided for the selected import template.
Path for the Payment Template was not found.Check the Billing configuration. This message indicates that a directory path wasn’t found for the selected import template.

Data output

This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:

BILLING.PAYBATCHSOURCEThe task will add any payment batch source codes in the import file that don’t already exist in the database.
BILLING.PAYMENTAdds a record for each imported payment.
BILLING.PAYMENTBATCHAdds a record for each imported payment batch.
BILLING.PAYMENTIMPORTRUNStores basic information on a payment import run, including the run key, the import file, and the status. The STATUS column uses these numeric codes: 0 (None), 1 (Processed), 2 (Rejected).
BILLING. PAYMENTIMPORTRUNDETAILSStores details of the import process for a specific payment batch.
BILLING.PAYMENTSOURCEThe task will add any payment source codes in the import file that don’t already exist in the database.

This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:

Lookup Payment ImportStandard Infor Public Sector lookup used to search for payment import runs.
Manage Account pageCan be used to review payment information for a selected account.
Lookup Payment BatchesStandard Infor Public Sector lookup used to search for payment batches.
Payment Batch InfoViewerShows information on a selected payment batch.
Lookup PaymentsStandard Infor Public Sector lookup used to search for payments.
Payment InfoViewerShows information on a selected payment.