Penalty run: Reverse
To reverse a penalty run, select the Reverse Run check box in the Penalty Run InfoViewer and then click . When you reverse a penalty run, Infor Public Sector adds a separate record in the PENALTY table for the reversal, which is linked to the original penalty run record through the REVERSEKEY column.
For each penalty charge transaction in the ACCTTRAN table that was created in the penalty run, the reversal run adds a penalty reversal transaction in the same amount. If any payments have been applied to penalty charges generated in the run, the reversal run creates payment adjustment transactions to reverse the payments and then overpayments transactions for the reversed payment amounts.
The reversal run next resets the PENALTYDATE and PENALIZEDFLAG columns for each line item that was penalized in the original run. Finally, all account activity records added by the original penalty run are deleted.