Average Annual Consumption Run
The average annual consumption for an account service is the average monthly consumption over the course of a year. You can calculate average monthly consumptions for either the previous calendar year or the previous twelve months. This task is typically run once a year.
- Query the ACCOUNT table for active accounts that match the task parameters.
- Load setups from the AVGANNUALCONSUMPTIONSETUP table.
- For each account returned in step 1, check for active services where the asset type is water meter (SERVICEOPTIONS.ASSETTYPE = 42 [water meter]).
- For each account service, get the total usage for each service position over the last twelve months or the last calendar year, depending on average annual consumption setup. The total usage is calculated by summing the billable usage from all meter readings within the calculation period.
- Add the total usage for each position to calculate the service’s total annual consumption.
- Divide the service’s total annual consumption by 12.
- Store the average annual consumption for each service in ACCOUNTSERVICE.AACMONTHLYAVERAGE.
This table describes the Infor Public Sector setup forms that are used to configure this task:
Setup form | Comments |
Average Annual Consumption Setup (BAAC) | Defines discount percentage and whether average consumption is calculated for last 12 months or last calendar year. |
This table lists the database tables that store setup information for this task:
Table | Comments |
AVGANNUALCONSUMPTIONSETUP | Stores the Average Annual Consumption setup information. |
The Average Annual Consumption Run task can be scheduled or invoked manually from the Batch Manager form, and it can be invoked through the console.
This table describes each parameter for this task:
Form | Console | Description |
Account Area | AccountArea (string) | Account area for which you’re calculating average annual consumptions. |
Account Class | AccountClass (string) | Account class for which you’re calculating average annual consumptions. |
Billing Cycle | BillingCycle (string) | Billing cycle for which you’re calculating average annual consumptions. |
Group | Group (string) | Account group for which you’re calculating average annual consumptions. |
Subgroup | SubGroup (string) | Account subgroup for which you’re calculating average annual consumptions. |
If the Average Annual Consumption Run task is successful, you can expect to see a series of messages similar to these in the Billing Batch Process log:
- Average Annual Consumption Process Started.
- Number of Accounts to be processed – [#].
- Processing Account # - [account #].
- Average Annual Consumption calculated for service – [service].
- Successfully processed Account # - [account #].
- Average Annual Consumption Process Completed.
In the database, the PROCESSINGFLAG column in BILLING.AVGANNUALCONSUMPTIONRUN is set to Y at the start of a run, and set to N when the run is finished. This table also has columns for the number of processed accounts, the number of calculated accounts, and the number of exception accounts.
Common errors
This table lists some common errors that this task may return:
Error message | Comments |
Average Annual Consumption setup is not defined. | Average Annual Consumption setup is required to calculate average annual consumptions. Check the Average Annual Consumption setup form under Billing Setup in Infor Public Sector. |
Data output
This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:
Table | Comments |
BILLING.ACCOUNTSERVICE | An Average Annual Consumption run will update the AACCALCULATIONDT, AACMONTHLYAVERAGE, and possibly AACEXCEPTION columns. |
BILLING. AVGANNUALCONSUMPTIONRUN | Stores details on the calculation process, including the parameters used, run key, number of processed accounts, number of calculated accounts, and number of exceptions. |
This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:
Form | Comments |
Manage Account page (BMA) | Can be used to review information on account services, including the average annual consumption for each service. |