Movement Data Delete
The Movement Data Delete task deletes asset valuation movement data from the
ASSVALMOVEMENT table. If you want to recreate movement data for one or more accounting
periods, you must first delete the existing records.
The Movement Data Delete task can be scheduled or invoked manually from the Batch Manager form, and it can be invoked through the console.
This table describes each parameter for this task:
Parameter | Description |
Delete From Date | Date from which you want to delete movement records. The task will delete all movement records from that date forward. If you leave this field blank, then the task will delete all existing movement data for the selected valuations. |
Valuation Group | Asset valuation group for which movement data will be deleted. |
Book ID | Asset valuation book for which movement data will be deleted. |
Valuation Number | Asset valuation for which movement data will be deleted. |
Data output
This table lists the database tables that are affected by this task:
Table | Comments |
ASSETMANAGEMENT_ASSETVALUATION.ASSVALMOVEMENT | Stores asset valuation movement data. Movement data is deleted from this table. |
ASSETMANAGEMENT_ASSETVALUATION.MOVEMENTDATARUN | Stores information on movement data runs. |