Bill Run Schedule: Common errors
This table shows some common errors that the Bill Run Schedule task may return:
Error message | Comments |
Account [account #] Line Item [line item #] is quantity based, but the account has no quantity set. Line item omitted from bill. | Set the quantity on the account. |
Account [account #] Line Item [line item #] is service based but detected 0 service days during rate processing. Line item omitted from bill. | Check the service on the account. |
Account [account #] not billed – Account has no active services within the billing period. | An account is only billed if it has at least one active service during the billing period. |
Account [account #] not billed – Bill Type condition formula failed. | You can define a condition formula for each bill type. During the initialization stage, the formula is evaluated for each account to determine if the account will be billed. |
Account [account #] not billed – Fixed Charge In Advance service requires a valid address service key | Data issue. Bad data for AddressServiceKey. Check AddressServiceKey in database for the value. Check address-based service from Manage Account page. |
Account [account #] not billed – Invalid billing period. From: [date] To: [date] | This can occur if a bill type uses a dynamic billing period. In most cases, the “from” date of a dynamic billing period is the day after the “to” date of the last bill's billing period, and the “to” date is the date of the most recent ready to bill reading. Therefore, an account’s billing period may be invalid, such as 1/1/2017 to 12/1/2016. |
Account [account #] not billed – Line Item Setup for Account Service Option Key [key] does not exist on Bill Type. | For an account service to be billed, there must be a line item for the service associated with the bill run’s bill type. |
Account [account #] not billed – No Direct Debit Set up to generate Direct Debit bill. | Direct debit setup is not configured. |
Account [account #] not billed – No unbilled meter readings were found for service [code] | No unbilled meter readings were found, so there is no usage to bill. |
Accounting Period is not set up for the H8 Application. | Setup issue. |
AdjustmentKey is not set in ProcessAccountActivity(). Account Activity may be out of sync with this line item type. | Data error for keys in AccountActivity that are not in the parent table. Must be conversion data. |
An existing generation is currently in progress. Run the process again later. | Make sure only one instance of Bill Run Schedule is running. |
AppFeeKey is not set in ProcessAccountActivity(). Account Activity may be out of sync with this line item type. | Data error for keys in AccountActivity that are not in the parent table. Must be conversion data. |
Delinquent Date is NULL in CalculateDelinquentDate(). | Error in calculating delinquent date. Check billing period dates. |
DepositAdjustmentKey is not set in ProcessAccountActivity(). Account Activity may be out of sync with this line item type. | Data error for keys in AccountActivity that are not in the parent table. Must be conversion data. |
DepositChargeKey is not set in ProcessAccountActivity(). Account Activity may be out of sync with this line item type. | Data error for keys in AccountActivity that are not in the parent table. Must be conversion data. |
Due Date is NULL in CalculateDueDate(). | Error in calculating due date. Check billing period dates. |
Error initializing budget billing plan details for Account: [Account #] | Check the budget billing plan setup. |
Error occurred in CollateServicePositionData() | Check the duplicate position data in Account Service Infoviewer and database. |
Error occurred in GetAssetType() | Error in reading Asset configuration. |
Error processing OneOffLineItem of type Settlement. Trying to process already settled schedule. | Setup issue. |
Event Handler does not exist. Unable to evaluate formula in EvaluateFormula(). | Check the formulas and rebuild if necessary. |
Every to be billed Lineitem based on account activity for the cycle should have a rate defined. Via rate Table Setup. | Check every line item setup associated with the bill type for valid/effective rate code. |
Failed to load budget billing plans for the batch of accounts. | Setup issue. |
Failed to load Rebates. | Setup issue. |
Failed to load settlement schedules for a batch of accounts. | Setup issue. |
Failed to schedule settlement for Account: [Account #] BudgetBillingPlan: [PlanCode] | Check the budget billing plan setup. |
No accountservice found for lineitemsetupkey [lineItemSetupKey] | No account service found for line item. |
No Effective BillTypes have been found. | The bill type on AccountActivity data has expired. Make the bill type effective. |
No FCIA Frequency found for Account Service Key [AccountServiceKey] in ProcessAccountFCIAActivity(). | Check the fixed charge setup. |
No FCIA Setup Details found in AccountServiceFCIA::ProcessAccountFCIAActivity() for Account service key | Data issue. Bad data for AccountServiceKey. Check FCIA Detail table for the AccountServiceKey for the account. |
No qualifying Account/AccountActivities were found. Process is exiting... | Nothing to bill, so no bills are generated. |
No RateTable(s) found for RateCodeKey [RateCodeKey] | Check the rate table setup. Ensure that at least one rate table has an effective date for the billing period. |
OneoffChargeKey is not set in NSFLineItemList::ProcessAccountActivity(). Account Activity may be out of sync with this line item type. | Issue in creating FYI line item. Check the data. |
PaymentKey is not set in ProcessAccountActivity(). Account Activity may be out of sync with this line item type. | Data error for keys in AccountActivity that are not in the parent table. Must be conversion data. |
PenaltyKey is not set in ProcessAccountActivity(). Account Activity may be out of sync with this line item type. | Data error for keys in AccountActivity that are not in the parent table. Must be conversion data. |
RefundKey is not set in RefundLineItem::ProcessAccountActivity(). Account Activity may be out of sync with this line item type. | Data issue. |
Skipped [#] Account services as they are being suspended. | Any services that are suspended during the bill run’s billing period won’t be billed. |
The following accounts that are in a Final status will be skipped due to them having no active services for the current bill run's bill type within the specified billing period. | Setup issue. Final bill must have at least one active service. Check Manage Account page for the service status. |
The Non-Variable line items exceed the budgeted amount for the budget billing plan. | Before calculating the budgeted amount, the task first ensures that the sum of the non-variable line items for the bill type is not greater than the budgeted amount. If the non-variable line items are greater than the budgeted amount, check the budget billing plan and the bill type setup, and increase the account’s budgeted amount as required. |
The Rate Table was unable to calculate a charge amount for [MonikerName]. Possibly due to missing details for Rate Code Key: [RateCodeKey] Ensure that at least one rate table has an effective date for the full Begin/End range of the billing/calculation period of [BeginDate] to [EndDate] | Check the rate table setup. Ensure that at least one rate table has an effective date for the billing period. |
Unable to allocate EntitlementType Object in LoadRebateEligibleIdentities() | Setup issue. |
Unable to calculate the total billable usage of the account service in CalculateTotalBillableUsage() | Data issue. Check the Service Position table and UI to check the data for unique position. |
Unable to create/update bill for [account #] because there were 0 line items present on non-final bill | Check Manage Account page to see if there is an active service on the account to create an account activity for line items. Query the database to check if any existing account activity is found with billkey=1 for the account. |
Unable to evaluate formula in EvaluateFormula(). | Check the formulas and rebuild if necessary. |
Unable to get effective setups for the rate code of [rateCode] | Check the rate table setup. Ensure that at least one rate table has an effective date for the billing period. |
Unable to get Surcharges information in LoadSurcharges() | Check surcharge for line item setup on the bill type. |
Unable to load previously posted bills to process negative consumption in LoadPreviouslyBilledInfo(). | Check the meter readings for the specified account. This error indicates that the account has negative usage, but the task is unable to find the previous bills and readings required to calculate a credit for the negative consumption amount. |
Un-recognized AssetType in CreateMeterTrackReads(). | Check data in database. |