Batch Manager logging
While a task is running, it produces various logs, including both exceptions and informational log entries that you can use to monitor a task’s progress. By default, log entries are written to the CORE.SYSTEMLOG table in the database. You can use the Lookup System Logs page in Infor Public Sector to review these types of logs for Batch Manager tasks:
- Batch Manager: Log entries for the Batch Manager service, such as when the service starts and stops.
- Billing Batch Process: Log entries for Billing tasks.
- CDR Batch Process: Log entries for CDR tasks.
- Bill Run: Log entries for the Bill Run Schedule task. Because this is a particularly complex task, it has its own log entries, separate from the other Billing Batch Process logs.
- Primary: Log entries for the Infor Public Sector core application.
- Rate Table: Log entries for rate tables.
Depending on your system configuration, log entries may also be written to log files on the server. The severity of logged events can also be configured, such as Info, Warning, or Error. Log severity levels can be set either globally or for individual log types, so the log entries that you see will depend on how logging is configured.
Logging is controlled by the Logging configuration in the Configuration Editor. See "System Administration" in the Infor Public Sector User and Administration Library for more information
In addition, the tables listed below store other types of log entries for Batch Manager tasks. These tables are in the CORE_BATCHPROCESSING namespace:
- BATCHPROCESSINGLOG: Stores system exceptions.
- TASKLOG: Stores Batch Manager log entries.
- USEREXCEPTION: Stores user-defined exceptions. User exception codes can be defined for these task types: Bill Run Schedule, Direct Debit Run, Penalty Run, and Post Payments Run.