Apply Deposits
There are two ways you can apply deposits, as specified in the “Apply Deposits To” parameter:
- Accounts With Final Bill: As part of the process of closing an account, any remaining deposits are applied.
- Accounts: In this case, deposits are applied as a reward to customers who consistently pay their bills on time. This process applies a special kind of deposit that is defined in Line Item Setup. When defining a deposit line item, you select the Apply Deposit check box and then specify the number of bills that must be paid on time, or “prompt paid,” within a certain number of months. The deposit will be applied when an account meets the number of prompt paid bills.
To apply deposits, these steps are completed:
- Query the ACCOUNT table for accounts that have deposit credits and
that match the task parameters (area, class, account group, subgroup, and billing
- If applying deposits to Accounts with Final Bill, also check that ACCOUNT.FINALBILLFLAG = Y and ACCOUNT.ACCOUNTSTATUS is not C (Closed).
- If applying deposits to Accounts, check for accounts with status Active or Final that have paid the required number of bills before their due dates.
- Query the DEPTRAN table for fully paid, unapplied deposit charges and adjustments for each account.
- Exclude any deposit charge or adjustments that are already being processed for refund.
- Create transactions to apply each deposit charge or adjustment.
- Create a deposit transaction to apply the deposit amount (TRANSACTIONDESIGNATOR = 3 [Deposit] and TRANSACTIONTYPE = 2 [Apply]).
- Create a deposit adjustment transaction to set the deposit amount to 0.00 (TRANSACTIONDESIGNATOR = 3 [Deposit] and TRANSACTIONTYPE = 1 [Adjustment]).
- If there’s a payment associated with the deposit, create an overpayment transaction (TRANSACTIONDESIGNATOR = 6 [Overpay] and TRANSACTIONTYPE = 4 [Credit]).
- If there’s no payment associated with the deposit, create an account adjustment transaction to credit the deposit amount to the account (TRANSACTIONDESIGNATOR = 1 [Account] and TRANSACTIONTYPE = 1 [Adjustment]).
- For each account credited, set ACCOUNT.CREDFLAG to Y.
This table describes the Infor Public Sector setup forms that are used to configure this task:
Setup form | Comments |
Line Item Setup (BLI) | For an “Accounts” run, you must define a special kind of deposit line item, as described above in the introduction. |
Feature Switches (BFS) | The Deposits feature must be active. |
This table lists the database tables that store setup information for this task:
Table | Comments |
BILLING.LINEITEMSETUP | Stores deposit line item setup information. For “Apply Deposit” line items, the key columns are APPLYDEPOSITFLAG, NUMBEROFPROMPTPAIDBILLS, and PROMPTPAIDPERIOD. |
This table describes each parameter for this task:
Form | Console | Description |
Account Area | AccountArea (string) | Account area to use as a selection parameter for the run. |
Account Class | AccountClass (string) | Account class to use as a selection parameter for the run. |
Apply Deposits to | ApplicationTarget (int) | Type of Apply Deposits run. You can select Accounts (enter 65 in the console) or Accounts with Final Bill (enter 70 in the console). |
Billing Cycle | BillingCycle (string) | Billing cycle to use as a selection parameter for the run. |
Bill Type | BillType (int) | Bill type to use as a selection parameter for the run. |
Group | Group (string) | Account group to use as a selection parameter for the run. |
Subgroup | SubGroup (string) | Account subgroup to use as a selection parameter for the run. |
If the Apply Deposits task is successful, you can expect to see a series of messages similar to these in the Billing Batch Process log:
- Apply Deposits Process Started.
- Apply Deposits Run Added Successfully.
- Number of Deposit Accounts to be processed – [#].
- Gets Deposit Charge Key for Account # - [account #]
- Number Of UnApplied Deposit Charges/Adjustments are : [#]
- Number Of Bill for Account is : [#]
- Number of Bills in this account is: [#]
- Successfully Applied Deposit Charge # : [key] with the amt $[amount]
- Successfully Applied Deposit Adjustment # : [key] with the amt $[amount]
- Successfully processed Account # - [account #].
- Apply Deposits Run Successful.
- Apply Deposits Process Completed.
In the database, the PROCESSINGFLAG column in BILLING.APPLYDEPOSITSRUN is set to Y at the start of a run, and set to N when the run is finished.
Common errors
This table lists some common errors that this task may return:
Error message | Comments |
Unable to apply deposits. There is no deposit charge defined with a valid setup for # of prompt payment months | This indicates that you’re trying to complete an “Accounts” run without having defined the necessary type of deposit line item. |
Data output
This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:
Table | Comments |
BILLING.ACCTTRAN | Stores the transaction records created in the Apply Deposits run. |
BILLING.ACCOUNT | Each account that has credits added will have its CREDFLAG column set to Y. |
BILLING.ADJUSTMENT | Stores the account adjustments created in the Apply Deposits run. |
BILLING.APPLYDEPOSITSRUN | Stores information on each Apply Deposits run. |
BILLING.DEPTRAN | Stores the deposit transaction records created in the Apply Deposits run. |
This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:
Form | Comments |
Manage Account page (BMA) | Can be used to review transactions for a selected account. |
Lookup Transactions (BLT) | Standard Infor Public Sector lookup used to search for transactions. |
Transaction InfoViewer | Shows details for a selected transaction. |
Lookup Deposit Transactions (BLDT) | Standard Infor Public Sector lookup used to search for deposit transactions. |
Deposit Transaction InfoViewer | Shows details for a selected deposit transaction. |