Apply Deposits

The Apply Deposits task applies deposits to a selected group of billing accounts. The applied deposits become account credits that can then be refunded or applied to credits in the reconcile process.

There are two ways you can apply deposits, as specified in the “Apply Deposits To” parameter:

  • Accounts With Final Bill: As part of the process of closing an account, any remaining deposits are applied.
  • Accounts: In this case, deposits are applied as a reward to customers who consistently pay their bills on time. This process applies a special kind of deposit that is defined in Line Item Setup. When defining a deposit line item, you select the Apply Deposit check box and then specify the number of bills that must be paid on time, or “prompt paid,” within a certain number of months. The deposit will be applied when an account meets the number of prompt paid bills.

To apply deposits, these steps are completed:

  1. Query the ACCOUNT table for accounts that have deposit credits and that match the task parameters (area, class, account group, subgroup, and billing cycle).
    1. If applying deposits to Accounts with Final Bill, also check that ACCOUNT.FINALBILLFLAG = Y and ACCOUNT.ACCOUNTSTATUS is not C (Closed).
    2. If applying deposits to Accounts, check for accounts with status Active or Final that have paid the required number of bills before their due dates.
  2. Query the DEPTRAN table for fully paid, unapplied deposit charges and adjustments for each account.
  3. Exclude any deposit charge or adjustments that are already being processed for refund.
  4. Create transactions to apply each deposit charge or adjustment.
    1. Create a deposit transaction to apply the deposit amount (TRANSACTIONDESIGNATOR = 3 [Deposit] and TRANSACTIONTYPE = 2 [Apply]).
    2. Create a deposit adjustment transaction to set the deposit amount to 0.00 (TRANSACTIONDESIGNATOR = 3 [Deposit] and TRANSACTIONTYPE = 1 [Adjustment]).
    3. If there’s a payment associated with the deposit, create an overpayment transaction (TRANSACTIONDESIGNATOR = 6 [Overpay] and TRANSACTIONTYPE = 4 [Credit]).
    4. If there’s no payment associated with the deposit, create an account adjustment transaction to credit the deposit amount to the account (TRANSACTIONDESIGNATOR = 1 [Account] and TRANSACTIONTYPE = 1 [Adjustment]).
  5. For each account credited, set ACCOUNT.CREDFLAG to Y.


This table describes the Infor Public Sector setup forms that are used to configure this task:

Setup formComments
Line Item Setup (BLI)For an “Accounts” run, you must define a special kind of deposit line item, as described above in the introduction.
Feature Switches (BFS)The Deposits feature must be active.

This table lists the database tables that store setup information for this task:

BILLING.LINEITEMSETUPStores deposit line item setup information. For “Apply Deposit” line items, the key columns are APPLYDEPOSITFLAG, NUMBEROFPROMPTPAIDBILLS, and PROMPTPAIDPERIOD.


This table describes each parameter for this task:

Account AreaAccountArea (string)Account area to use as a selection parameter for the run.
Account ClassAccountClass (string)Account class to use as a selection parameter for the run.
Apply Deposits toApplicationTarget (int)Type of Apply Deposits run. You can select Accounts (enter 65 in the console) or Accounts with Final Bill (enter 70 in the console).
Billing CycleBillingCycle (string)Billing cycle to use as a selection parameter for the run.
Bill TypeBillType (int)Bill type to use as a selection parameter for the run.
GroupGroup (string)Account group to use as a selection parameter for the run.
SubgroupSubGroup (string)Account subgroup to use as a selection parameter for the run.


If the Apply Deposits task is successful, you can expect to see a series of messages similar to these in the Billing Batch Process log:

  • Apply Deposits Process Started.
  • Apply Deposits Run Added Successfully.
  • Number of Deposit Accounts to be processed – [#].
  • Gets Deposit Charge Key for Account # - [account #]
  • Number Of UnApplied Deposit Charges/Adjustments are : [#]
  • Number Of Bill for Account is : [#]
  • Number of Bills in this account is: [#]
  • Successfully Applied Deposit Charge # : [key] with the amt $[amount]
  • Successfully Applied Deposit Adjustment # : [key] with the amt $[amount]
  • Successfully processed Account # - [account #].
  • Apply Deposits Run Successful.
  • Apply Deposits Process Completed.

In the database, the PROCESSINGFLAG column in BILLING.APPLYDEPOSITSRUN is set to Y at the start of a run, and set to N when the run is finished.

Common errors

This table lists some common errors that this task may return:

Error messageComments
Unable to apply deposits. There is no deposit charge defined with a valid setup for # of prompt payment monthsThis indicates that you’re trying to complete an “Accounts” run without having defined the necessary type of deposit line item.

Data output

This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:

BILLING.ACCTTRANStores the transaction records created in the Apply Deposits run.
BILLING.ACCOUNTEach account that has credits added will have its CREDFLAG column set to Y.
BILLING.ADJUSTMENTStores the account adjustments created in the Apply Deposits run.
BILLING.APPLYDEPOSITSRUNStores information on each Apply Deposits run.
BILLING.DEPTRANStores the deposit transaction records created in the Apply Deposits run.

This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:

Manage Account page (BMA)Can be used to review transactions for a selected account.
Lookup Transactions (BLT)Standard Infor Public Sector lookup used to search for transactions.
Transaction InfoViewerShows details for a selected transaction.
Lookup Deposit Transactions (BLDT)Standard Infor Public Sector lookup used to search for deposit transactions.
Deposit Transaction InfoViewerShows details for a selected deposit transaction.