Bill Run Schedule: Reverse/undo
You can use the Bill Run InfoViewer to either undo a bill run or reverse all bills in a run. The difference is that undoing a bill run completely undoes the run and deletes all bills, line items and transactions from the database, while reversing bills reverses all charges but keeps the bill run records so you still have an audit trail.
You can undo a bill run if it hasn’t been reversed and if no bills in the run have transferred balances to other accounts. If the bills have been posted, you can’t undo a bill run if any of the bills have passed their delinquency dates. An unposted bill run can be undone at any time.
To undo a bill run, click the Undo Bills link in the Bill Run InfoViewer. Infor Public Sector will first unapply all payments and credits that have been applied to bills in the run and save the payment amounts as overpayments. Infor Public Sector then deletes all bills, line items, and transactions associated with the bill run and resets all billable charges to they can be rebilled. Finally, Infor Public Sector deletes the bill run record.
As with undoing a bill run, you can only reverse bills if no balances have been transferred to other accounts. To reverse bills, click the Reverse Bills link in the Bill Run InfoViewer. Infor Public Sector then adds adjustment transactions to set all line items and penalties for all bills in the run to 0.00.
Infor Public Sector will also unapply any payments and credits for bills in the run and save the amounts as overpayments. If accounts were pre-selected for the run, the PRESELECTEDFORBILLRUN column for each account in the ACCOUNT table is reset to Y, and if any accounts have credits after payments are unapplied, the CREDFLAG column is also set to Y.