Deferred Penalty Run
A deferred penalty is distinct from the late payment penalties calculated by the Penalty Run task. A deferred penalty is a one-off charge that is applied to the associated account if a bill remains unpaid after a number of days, as specified in the Bill Type setup. This task is typically run once a day.
- Query the BILL table for bills with deferred penalty amounts that are unpaid after their deferred penalty dates (BILL.DEFERREDPENALTYAMOUNT > 0, BILL.PAIDSTAT <> Y, and BILL.DEFERREDPENALTYDATE < today).
- For each bill, add a one-off charge to the associated account equal to the bill’s deferred penalty amount.
- Also add an account activity record so that the one-off charge can be billed later.
- Update the bill to show that the deferred penalty has been applied.
This table describes the Infor Public Sector setup forms that are used to configure this task:
Setup form | Comments |
Bill Type | Defines deferred penalties for bill types |
This table lists the database tables that store setup information for this task:
Table | Comments |
BILLING.BILLTYPE | Stores setup information for each bill type, including deferred penalties. |
The Deferred Penalty Run task has no parameters. It can be scheduled and invoked manually through the Infor Public Sector Batch Manager form, and it can also be invoked through the console.
If the Deferred Penalty Run task is successful, you can expect to see a series of messages similar to these in the Billing Batch Process log:
- Successfully add the run record
- Start processing bills
- Starting DeferredPenalty Bill # [bill #]
- Successfully completed DeferredPenaltyRun Bill # [bill #]
- Run successfully completed
In the database, the PROCESSINGFLAG column in BILLING.DEFERREDPENALTYRUN is set to Y at the start of a run, and set to N when the run is finished.
Data output
This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:
Table | Comments |
BILLING.ACCOUNTACTIVITY | Adds an account activity record for each one-off charge so it can be billed later. |
BILLING.BILL | Sets EARLYPAYORDEFERREDPENALTY to Y to indicate that the deferred penalty has been applied. |
BILLING. DEFERREDPENALTYRUN | Stores details on the deferred penalty run, indicating the run key, the schedule key, and whether the run is processing. |
BILLING.ONEOFFCHARGE | Deferred penalties are applied as one-off charges, so the run will create a one-off charge for each deferred penalty. |
This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:
Form | Comments |
Manage Account page | Used to look up and review one-off charges. |