Reconcile Run

The Reconcile Run task applies available credits on billing accounts (credit adjustments and overpayments) to unpaid debits.

You can enter selection parameters such as a range of account numbers or an account group/cycle. This task is typically run once a day.

  1. Query for accounts that have credits (CREDFLAG = Y) and that match the reconcile run parameters.
  2. For each account, apply any available discount line items.
  3. Apply any principal charge line items that are credits.
  4. For each account, query the ADJUSTMENT table for adjustments that are not fully paid (FULLYPAIDSTAT = N).
  5. Apply adjustments to unpaid debits.

    Credit adjustments are always applied to debits on their same bill type. For each adjustment, the process first searches for unpaid line items, one-off charges, debit adjustments, CDR application fees, deposit charges, and deposit adjustments for the specified bill type. The process then creates account transactions to pay the unpaid charges until the adjustment balance is used up.

    The rules for applying payments are mostly the same as in a Post Payments Run. Note, however, that there will be no donations in a reconcile run, and the reconcile process doesn’t include an option to pay specific bills.

    See Post Payments Run.

  6. Query the ACCTTRAN table for unapplied overpayments (TRANSACTIONTYPE = 4 [Credit] and TRANSACTIONDESIGNATOR = 6 [Overpay]).
  7. Apply overpayments to unpaid debits.

    Unlike credit adjustments, overpayments may be applied to charges on any bill type. Reconcile follows the payment application rules for those bill types.

  8. For any accounts in delinquency, check if delinquency is eligible to be auto-decremented or resolved after credits are applied.


This table describes the Configuration Editor settings that affect this task:

Configuration and pathComments
BatchProcessing/TASKS/Task: Reconcile Run/ThreadsSets the number of asynchronous threads the Batch Manager will use for the Reconcile Run process.

The default number of threads for all multithreaded processes is set in the BatchManager configuration’s Number of Task Threads attribute. You only need to enter a separate value here if you want to override the default.

BILLING/BATCHMANAGER/Reconcile Run InputsSets the commit number for all reconcile runs. The commit number determines the number of accounts processed in each thread.
Note: You can enter any number, but there are limitations at the database level. Oracle databases have a limit of 1,000 records, and SQL Server databases have a limit of 2,000 records. Entering a larger number will cause errors.


You can use the Batch Manager or the Billing Calendar to schedule reconcile runs. In addition, the Create Reconcile Run form can be used to add a new reconcile run manually. The Manage Account page can also be used the reconcile a single account.

This table describes each parameter for this task:

Account TypeAccountTypeSetupKey (int)Selects accounts to reconcile based on the account type.
From Account #AccountFrom (string)Starting account number for the range of accounts to be reconciled.
To Account #AccountTo (string)Final account number for the range of accounts to be reconciled.
Group/Cycle Group (string) Filters accounts by account group.
Subgroup SubGroup (string) Filters accounts by account subgroup.
Commit Interval CommitInterval (int) Number of accounts processed in each batch. Defaults to the number specified in the Billing configuration.
Note: You can enter any number, but there are limitations at the database level. Oracle databases have a limit of 1,000 records, and SQL Server databases have a limit of 2,000 records. Entering a larger number will cause errors.


If the reconcile run is successful, you should see a series of messages similar to these in the Billing Batch Process log:

  • ReconcileGenerator: Retrieved estimated [#] qualifying accounts for Reconcile Run: [run key]
  • ReconcileTask:Invoke Starting reconcile account # [account #]
  • ReconcileTask:Invoke Successfully completed reconcile account # [account #]

This message is repeated for each account:

  • FinalizeReconcileTask", "Successfully finalized Reconcile Run: [run key]

In the database, the PROCESSINGFLAG column in BILLING.RECONCILERUN is set to Y at the start of a run, and set to N when the run is finished.

Data output

This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:

BILLING.ACCOUNTIf all of an accounts credits are applied, the CREDFLAG column is set to N.
BILLING.ACCOUNTDELINQUENCYIf delinquencies are automatically decremented or resolved, their records will be updated in this table.
BILLING.ACCTTRANStores all account transaction added during the reconcile run.
BILLING.ADJUSTMENTUpdates the FULLYPAIDSTAT column for each debit adjustment paid in the reconcile run.
BILLING.DEPOSITADJUSTMENTUpdates the FULLYPAIDSTAT column for each debit deposit adjustment paid in the reconcile run.
BILLING.DEPOSITCHARGEUpdates the FULLYPAIDSTAT column for each deposit charge paid in the reconcile run.
BILLING.LINEITEMUpdates the PAIDSTAT column for each line item paid in the reconcile run.
BILLING.ONEOFFCHARGEUpdates the FULLYPAIDSTAT column for each one-off charge paid in the reconcile run.
BILLING.RECONCILERUNStores information on each reconcile run, including the run number, the parameters used, and the number of accounts reconciled.
CDR.FEEUpdates the STAT column for each CDR fee paid in the reconcile run.

This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:

Lookup Reconcile RunStandard Infor Public Sector lookup used to search for reconcile runs.
Reconcile Run InfoViewerShows information on a selected reconcile run.
Lookup TransactionsStandard Infor Public Sector lookup used to search for transactions.
Transaction InfoViewerShows details for a selected transaction.