
This topic provides some suggestions for troubleshooting if the Batch Manager service starts and then stops, or if tasks don't run as expected. First, check these items on the application server:

  • Ensure that the Batch Manager service is running.
  • Check the Infor Public Sector application path in Hansen.Core.BatchManager.Service.exe.config. This file can be found in the bin directory of the Batch Manager application directory. The path is specified in an <add> element with the key "hansen8path," as in this example:

    <add key="hansen8path" value="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\IPS" />

  • Ensure that the version number of the Batch Manager matches the version number of Infor Public Sector. To check the version number, navigate to the bin directory of the Batch Manager application directory. Right-click Core.dll and select Properties. The version number is displayed on the Details tab of the Properties dialog box. Repeat the same steps in the Infor Public Sector application directory to ensure that the version numbers match.

Next, check these settings in the Configuration Editor:

  • Ensure that the provider name in the Batch Manager configuration exactly matches the provider name in the Hansen8 configuration. We recommend that you copy and paste the provider name from the Hansen8 configuration to ensure an exact match.

Next, open the System Information form in Infor Public Sector. Check the message bus state in the General Information grid. The entry should say "Connection active and successful."

Finally, check these items in the Batch Manager form in Infor Public Sector:

  • Ensure that the task that you want to run is not disabled.
  • Check the next scheduled date for the task that you want to run. This is displayed under Options when you select the task in the Tasks grid.