Finalize Move In

The Finalize Move In task finishes the process of adding new billing occupancy accounts so they can start receiving bills.

Specifically, the Finalize Move In task processes accounts with a status of Initialized and a move in date that is on or before the current date and sets the account status to Active.

For metered services, the task first searches for meter readings on or close to move in date, and only updates the status to ‘Active' if readings are found. The task also closes any open service request to read the meter for move in, updates the account billing status, and updates the status of the service, using the values defined in Move In Setup.

  1. Query the ACCOUNT table for accounts where ACCOUNTSTATUS is I (Initiated), MOVEINSTATUS is 1 (Pending) or 3 (Exception), MOVEINDATE is on or before today, and MOVEINADMINISTRATIVEHOLDREASON is null.
  2. For each account, check if there’s an active account at the same address for the same occupant type (Builder, Owner, or Tenant). If an account is found, and MOVEINSETUP.FINALIZEACTIVEACCTFLAG is N, return a move in exception. Otherwise continue.
  3. If the customer has an account at the previous address that is linked to the new account, transfer any deposits from the old account to the new account. By default deposits are only transferred if the old account doesn't have a final bill, because the deposit is usually applied to the final bill. However, you can use the OCCUPANCY node in the Billing configuration to direct Infor Public Sector to transfer the deposit even if the old account does have a final bill.

    If there is a fully paid deposit on the old account, Infor Public Sector creates a deposit charge for the same amount on the new account during the initialization process. To move the deposit, this step creates a series of deposit transactions in the DEPTRAN table and updates the deposit charge status in the DEPOSITCHARGE table.

  4. Check the ACCOUNT.OCCUPANT column to determine if the ooccupant is an owner, tenant, or builder.
  5. If the occupant is the owner:
    1. Check for any active tenant accounts at the address and check for active services on those accounts.
    2. For each service that isn’t already active for the tenant account, update the start date and the service status to show that the service is active. For metered services, also set the move in reading into the Initial Meter Reading field and resolve any open service requests to get a move in reading.
    3. If another owner account is still active at the same address, stop all services and set its ACCOUNTSTATUS to F (Final) and its MOVEOUTSTATUS to 6 (ForcedMoveOut).

      Note that the forced move out is only done if the FINALIZEACTIVEACCTFLAG column in MOVEINSETUP is set to Y (the “Finalize – Move out the active account at the address” option is selected in Move In Setup).

    4. Set the ACCOUNTSTATUS for the new owner account to A (Active) and set the MOVEINSTATUS to 2 (MovedIn).
  6. If the occupant is a tenant:
    1. For each service, update the start date and the service status to show that the service is active.
    2. For any metered services, also set the move in reading into the Initial Meter Reading field and resolve any open service requests to get a move in reading.
    3. If another tenant account is still active at the same address, stop all services and set its ACCOUNTSTATUS to F (Final) and its MOVEOUTSTATUS to 6 (ForcedMoveOut).
    4. If any of the services started for the tenant account are also active for the owner account, stop the owner account services.
    5. Set the ACCOUNTSTATUS for the new tenant account to A (Active) and set the MOVEINSTATUS to 2 (MovedIn).
  7. If the occupant is a builder:
    1. For each service, update the start date and the service status to show that the service is active.
    2. For any metered services, also set the move in reading into the Initial Meter Reading field and resolve any open service requests to get a move in reading.
    3. Set the ACCOUNTSTATUS for the new builder account to A (Active) and set the MOVEINSTATUS to 2 (MovedIn).


This table describes the Configuration Editor settings that affect this task:

Configuration and path Comments
BILLING/OCCUPANCY/Deposits After Final Bill Set to True to direct Infor Public Sector to transfer deposits to a new account for the same customer, even if the old account has a final bill.

This table describes the Infor Public Sector setup forms that are used to configure this task:

Setup form Comments
Move In Setup Defines setup information for the move in process.
Move Out Setup Defines setup information for the move out process. This is required for a Finalize Move In run because the previous account might need to be moved out.

This table lists the database tables that store setup information for this task:

Table Comments
BILLING. MOVEINREADINGRULE Stores the rules defined in Move In Setup for how to select the move in reading. Rules define how many days forward or backwards from the move in date to search for a potential move in reading.
BILLING.MOVEINSETUP Stores move in setup data.
BILLING.MOVEOUTSETUP Stores move out setup data.
BILLING. ADDRESSACCOUNTFIELDS Stores account-related information for Infor Public Sector addresses. The maximum numbers of owner accounts and tenant accounts that are allowed at an address are stored in this table.


The Finalize Move In task has no parameters. It can be scheduled and invoked manually through the Infor Public Sector Batch Manager form, and it can also be invoked through the console.


If the Finalize Move In task is successful, you can expect to see a series of messages similar to these in the Billing Batch Process log:

  • Finalize Move In Process Started.
  • [#] Accounts found to process for Finalize Move In.
  • Processing Account #[account #] for Finalize Move In.
  • Completed Finalized Move In for Account #[account #]
  • Finalized Move In Process Completed
  • Finalized Move In Process Completed with [#] Exceptions.

In the database, the PROCESSINGFLAG column in BILLING.FINALIZEMOVEINRUN is set to Y at the start of a run, and set to N when the run is finished.

Common errors

This table lists the common errors that you might see in the Billing Batch Process log for a Finalize Move In run. The process can also add a exceptions to individual accounts, which are displayed in the MOVEINEXCEPTION column of the ACCOUNT table.

Error message Comments
Number of active owners has reached maximum allowed at address. A current active owner must move out before this account is allowed to move in. Can occur if an address allows more than one active owner account. You can specify the number of owner accounts allowed at an address in the Address InfoViewer.
Number of active tenants has reached maximum allowed at address. A current active tenant must move out before this account is allowed to move in. Can occur if an address allows more than one active tenant account. You can specify the number of tenant accounts allowed at an address in the Address InfoViewer.
Another account already exists at same address. Occurs if Move In Setup indicates not to finalize a new account if another account is still active; or if you attempt to finalize a builder account at an address that already has an owner or tenant account.
Move In Setup is required to perform finalize move in process. Move In Setup hasn’t been defined. Use Move In Setup.
Move Out Setup is required to perform finalize move in process. Move Out Setup hasn’t been defined. Use Move Out Setup.
Meter reading not found for Account. No move in meter reading was found for the account for at least one metered service.
Unable to transfer property based charges. No adjustment type for transfer has been specified Any balance transfer requires an adjustment line item for which Use for Transfer Balance check box is selected. Check your line item setups.

Data output

This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:

Table Comments
BILLING.ACCOUNT Updates the ACCOUNTSTATUS, MOVEINSTATUS, and MOVEINDATE columns. Status can be I (Initiated), V (Voided), A (Active), F (Final), or C (Closed). Move in status can be 0 (None), 1 (Pending), 2 (MovedIn), 3 (Exception), or 4 (Canceled).

A Finalize Move In run may also update the MOVEINEXCEPTION column..

BILLING.DEPOSITCHARGE Updates the status of any transferred deposits.
BILLING. DEPOSITTRANSACTION Stores any deposit transactions created to transfer deposits.
BILLING. FINALIZEMOVEINRUN Stores information on each Finalize Move In run, including the run key, number of accounts processed, Number of accounts finalized, and number of exceptions.

This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:

Form Comments
Move In Exception Accounts item in My Infor Shows a list of accounts that returned exceptions. The Exception column shows the exception for each account, such as no move in meter reading found or an active account already at the address. After you've corrected the indicated problem for an account, you can click Action and select Finalize to finalize the move in.

Account exceptions

This table lists the exceptions that you might see in the MOVEINEXCEPTION column of the ACCOUNT table. The first column lists the exception codes that are displayed in the ACCOUNT table, and the second column specifies the message that is displayed for each exception. These messages are displayed in the Move In Exception Accounts item in My Infor. Shorter versions of the same messages are also displayed on the Summary tab of the Manage Account page.

Exception Description
1 Another account is still active at the service address.

The account can't be activated because another account of the same occupancy type is already active at the address. This only occurs if these conditions are met:

The address does not allow multiple accounts of the same occupancy type (Max # Owners = 1 and Max # Tenants = 1).

Forced move out is not enabled in Move In Setup (Do Not Finalize is selected under Active Account at Address on the Finalize tab).

2 Move in meter reading is not found.
3 Administrative hold. Infor Public Sector also shows the reason for the hold, using the description from the Administrative Hold Reason code definition.
4 Excessive number of accounts are active at the service address.

This occurs if the number of active accounts at the service address is already equal to the Max # Owners or Max # Tenants. This is an invalid data condition that may exist due to data conversion.

5 Maximum number of owner accounts are active at the service address.

An owner account can't be activated because the number of active owner accounts at the service address is already equal to the maximum. This only occurs if the address allows multiple accounts of the same occupancy type (either Max # Owners or Max # Tenants is greater than 1).

6 Maximum number of tenant accounts are active at the service address.

A tenant account can't be activated because the number of active tenant accounts at the service address is already equal to the maximum. This only occurs if the address allows multiple accounts of the same occupancy type (either Max # Owners or Max # Tenants is greater than 1).

7 Move out meter reading is not found for the active builder account.

This can occur if there is an active builder account at the service address. Infor Public Sector will attempt a forced move out of the builder account, but will return an exception if no move out reading is found.