Using the console
The Batch Manager console is a command line application that you can use to invoke scheduled tasks from outside of Infor Public Sector. With the console interface you can use external job scheduling or workload automation software to manage batch processing tasks.
The console’s executable is Hansen.Core.BatchManager.Console.exe, found in the directory where you installed the Batch Manager. You must edit the configuration file, Hansen.Core.BatchManager.Console.exe.config, to connect the console to your instance of Infor Public Sector. Enter the path to your directory as the value for the hansen8path key:
<add key="hansen8path" value="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\IPS" />
Before you can invoke tasks through the console, they must be scheduled using the Batch Manager, the Billing Calendar, or one of the task-specific scheduling forms. You can then use the console to invoke these tasks by task name, task key, or schedule key.
For example, to invoke a scheduled Penalty Run task called Penalty by name, you would use this command:
Hansen.Core.BatchManager.Console.exe -n:Penalty
If the task key is 1013, you can use this command to execute the same task by key:
Hansen.Core.BatchManager.Console.exe -t:1013
Finally, you would enter a command such as this to start the task by schedule key:
Hansen.Core.BatchManager.Console.exe -s:1009
If a task was scheduled in the Billing Calendar, you can also enter a job number to invoke a specific job:
Hansen.Core.BatchManager.Console.exe -n:Penalty –j:PenaltyJob