Calculate Cycle and Route Average Consumptions

The Calculate Cycle and Route Average Consumptions task calculates the average consumption for water meter reading cycles and routes over a specified date range.

You can calculate average consumption for a single reading cycle or for all reading cycles. This task is typically run once a year.

  1. If a reading cycle is entered for the run, load that cycle. Otherwise load all cycles.
  2. For each cycle, load all routes.
  3. For each route, load all address positions.
  4. If an account class is entered for the run, check the class of each account associated with each address to determine if it should be calculated.
  5. For each address position, get location history records for water meters installed between the from and to dates for the run.
  6. Get total usage from all readings recorded for all meters at the position between the from and to dates.
  7. To calculate average consumption for the route, add the total usage from all positions and divide by the number of positions. Store in ROUTE.AVERAGECONSUMPTION.
  8. To calculate average consumption for the cycle, add the total usage from all routes and divide by the number of routes. Store in READINGCYCLE.AVERAGECONSUMPTION.


You can use the Batch Manager or the Billing Calendar to schedule average consumption runs.

This table describes each parameter for this task:

Form Console Description
Period/To periodFrom (DateTime), periodTo (DateTime) Specifies the date range for which you want to calculate average consumptions.
Cycle MeterReadingCycle (string) Reading cycle to use as a selection parameter.
Account Class AccountClass (string) Account class to use as a selection parameter.


If the Calculate Cycle and Route Average Consumptions Run task is successful, you can expect to see a series of messages similar to these in the Billing Batch Process log:

  • CycleRouteAverageConsumptionRun Process Starts.
  • Deserialize Task Condition Successful.
  • CycleRouteAverageConsumptionRun Added Successfully.
  • CycleRouteAverageConsumptionRun Successful completion.

In the database, the PROCESSINGFLAG column in METERMANAGEMENT. CYCLEROUTEAVGCONSUMPTIONRUN is set to Y at the start of a run, and set to N when the run is finished.

Data output

This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:

Table Comments
METERMANAGEMENT. CYCLEROUTEAVGCONSUMPTIONRUN Stores information on the average consumption run, including the parameters used, the run key, and whether the run is currently processing.
METERMANAGEMENT. READINGCYCLE Updates the AVERAGECONSUMPTION column for each cycle processed.
METERMANAGEMENT.ROUTE Updates the AVERAGECONSUMPTION column for each route processed.

This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:

Form Comments
Manage Reading Cycles and Routes Shows the average consumption for each cycle and route.