Mapping status codes

When you invoke a task through the console, the Batch Manager returns a numeric status code indicating the result. These are the default codes:

-1 ErrorRunningBatchManager
0 None
1 NoInvocationData
2 Completed
3 CompletedWithErrors
4 CompletedWithWarnings
5 HaltedBeforeCompletion
6 HaltedBeforeInvocation
7 TimedOutBeforeCompletion
8 UnhandledExceptionOccurred
9 NoJobsToRun

You can also use the Configuration Editor to set your own status codes for the console. To define a status code, add a child MAPPING node in the BatchManager configuration. Status codes can be defined in two different ways.

To override one of the default codes, enter these attributes:

Enter the task status for which you're defining the code.
Exit Code
Enter the numeric code that you want to use for the specified task status.

You can also define your own codes, such as a code 10 for user exceptions. To define a code, enter these attributes:

Task Type
Enter the task for which the code is defined.
Enter the task status for which you're defining the code.
Result Code
Enter the result code for which you're defining the exit code. Each exit code represents a combination of a status and a result code. You can use the Batch Manager Log to determine the correct values to use.
Exit Code
Enter the numeric code that you want to use for the specified combination of a status and a result code.