Payment Arrangement Review Run
This task changes the arrangement status to In Notice or Broken if payments are behind schedule, and can also send notices, create service requests, or close broken arrangements. This task is typically run once a day.
- Load all payment arrangements in the PAYMENTARRANGEMENT table with a status of Active or Notice (ARRANGEMENTSTATUS = A or N).
- For each arrangement, check the transactions in the ARRANGEMENTTRANSACTION table to determine if the arrangement is behind and if so, how many days.
- If the arrangement is behind, change its status to N (Notice) or B (Broken), depending on the number of days behind.
- If the arrangement isn’t behind and is satisfied (arranged balance is fully paid), change its status to S (Satisfied), and set ARRANGEMENTSTATUSHISTORY.CLOSEDFLAG = N.
- For both Notice and Broken arrangements, if Flag for Send Notice is selected, set PAYMENTARRANGEMENT.SENDNOTICESFLAG = Y.
- For both Notice and Broken arrangements, if a request type is entered for the run, create the service request.
- For Broken arrangements, if Close Arrangement When Broken is selected, set ARRANGEMENTSTATUSHISTORY.CLOSEDFLAG = Y and unarrange line items.
- If the Clear Broken status if all specified conditions below are met check box is selected, evaluate the specified conditions. For any arrangements that satisfy all conditions, set the status to Active and add a status history record.
- If the Unarrange if not all specified conditions below are met check box is selected, evaluate the specified conditions. For any arrangements that do not satisfy all conditions, set ARRANGEMENTSTATUSHISTORY.CLOSEDFLAG = Y and unarrange line items.
This table describes the Infor Public Sector setup forms that are used to configure this task:Unarrange if not all specified conditions below are met
Setup form | Comments |
Feature Switches | The Payment Arrangement feature must be active. |
You can use the Batch Manager form or the Billing Calendar to schedule Payment Arrangement Review runs.
This table describes each parameter for this task:
Form | Console | Description |
Notice Days Behind | DaysBehind_Notice (int) | Number of days behind before a payment arrangement review run will change an arrangement’s status to Notice. |
Notice Flag for Send Notice | FlagForNotice_Notice (bool) | Indicates whether Infor Public SectorUnarrange if not all specified conditions will flag a payment arrangement to receive a notice if its status is changed to Notice. |
Notice Request Type | SRRequestType_Notice (string) | Type of service request Infor Public Sector will create for payment arrangements whose status is changed to Notice. |
Broken Days Behind | DaysBehind_Broken (int) | Number of days behind before a payment arrangement review run will change an arrangement’s status to Broken. |
Broken Flag for Send Notice | FlagForNotice_Broken (bool) | Indicates whether Infor Public Sector will flag a payment arrangement to receive a notice if its status is changed to Broken. |
Broken Request Type | SRRequestType_Broken (string) | Type of service request Infor Public Sector will create for payment arrangements whose status is changed to Broken. |
Close Arrangements When Broken | CanCloseBrokenArrangement (bool) | Indicates whether Infor Public Sector will close payment arrangements whose status is changed to Broken. |
Clear Broken status if all specified conditions below are met | FlagClearBrokenStatus (bool) | Indicates whether Infor Public Sector should mark any arrangements as not broken if the specified conditions are met. The conditions are specified by the next three parameters. |
Payment received within __ days of arranged due date | Clear_DueDateTolerance (int) | Number of days beyond the due date within which the payment must be received if the Broken status is to be cleared. If you use this feature, then the number of days specified here must be greater than the number of days specified for the Broken Days Behind parameter. |
Payment amount is within __ of arranged amount | Clear_ArrangedAmountTolerance (decimal) | Maximum amount by which the payment amount can fall short of the arranged amount if the Broken status is to be cleared. |
Payment amount is within __ of arranged amount | Clear_ArrangedPercentTolerance (int) | Maximum percentage by which the payment amount can fall short of the arranged amount if the Broken status is to be cleared. |
Unarrange if not all specified conditions below are met | FlagUnarrange (bool) | Indicates whether Infor Public Sector should unarrange any broken arrangements unless the specified conditions are met. The conditions are specified by the next three parameters. |
Payment received within __ days of arranged due date | Unarrg_DueDateTolerance (int) | Number of days beyond the due date within which the payment must be received if the arrangement is not to be unarranged. If you use this feature, then the number of days specified here must be greater than the number of days specified for the Broken Days Behind parameter and the number of days specified for the Payment received within __ days of arranged due date parameter under Clear Broken status if all specified conditions below are met. |
Payment amount is within __ of arranged amount | Unarrg_ArrangedAmountTolearance (decimal) | Maximum amount by which the payment amount can fall short of the arranged amount if the arrangement is not to be unarranged. |
Payment amount is within __ of arranged amount | Unarrg_ArrangedPercentTolerance (int) | Maximum percentage by which the payment amount can fall short of the arranged amount if the arrangement is not to be unarranged. |
If the Payment Arrangement Review run is successful, you should see a series of messages similar to these in the Billing Batch Process log:
- Payment Arrangement Review Process Started.
- Number of Payment Arrangements to be processed – [#].
- Successfully processed Arrangement – [arrangement key].
- Number of processed Arrangements – [#].
- Payment Arrangement Review Process Completed.
In the database, the PROCESSINGFLAG column in BILLING.PAYMENTARRANGEMENTREVIEW is set to Y at the start of a run, and set to N when the run is finished.
Data output
This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:
Table | Comments |
BILLING. ARRANGEMENTSTATUSHISTORY | Each time an arrangement’s status changes, a record is added to this table to create a complete history. |
BILLING. PAYMENTARRANGEMENTREVIEW | Stores information on the Payment Arrangement Review run, including the run key, the number of arrangements reviewed, and the number of exceptions. |
This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:
Form | Comments |
Manage Account page | Used to review payment arrangements for a selected account. |
Payment Arrangement Review item in My Infor | Shows a list of payment arrangements with a status of Broken or In
Notice . |