BatchManager configuration

The BatchManager configuration in the Configuration Editor defines the basic settings for the Batch Manager service.

The root BATCHMANAGER node can have up to three child nodes: SERVERSETTINGS, CLAIMSAUTHENTICATION, and MAPPING.


The SERVERSETTINGS node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Invoke Missed Schedules on Startup Indicates whether the Batch Manager will attempt to run any tasks that were scheduled but not previously run on startup. For example, scheduled tasks may have been missed due to server maintenance.

To identify missed schedules, the Batch Manager queries past schedules on startup, searching back the number of seconds specified in the configuration. For each schedule, the Batch Manager compares the last invocation date in the CORE_BATCHPROCESSING.SCHEDULE table to the next scheduled date in the RESOURCES.TIMESCHEDULE table. If the last invocation is less than the next scheduled date, this indicates that the task was missed.

For example, suppose the Batch Manager starts at 2:00 PM and is configured to search back one hour for missed schedules. If a schedule is found with a last invocation date at 1:15 PM and a next scheduled date at 1:30 PM, this indicates that the task was supposed to run at 1:30 PM, but didn't. Therefore, the Batch Manager will run the task.

Missed Schedules Seconds Number of seconds back that the Batch Manager will search for missed schedules.
Polling Interval Interval, in seconds, at which the Batch Manager service will search for tasks to run.


The CLAIMSAUTHENTICATION node stores the authentication settings that the Batch Manager will use if the Infor Public Sector site is configured to use claims authentication. This node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Certificate Name Name of the certificate used for authentication.
Domain Domain of the specified user account.
Endpoint URL of the AD FS endpoint.
Password Password for the specified user name.
Relying Party URL of the Infor Public Sector site.
Thumbprint Thumbprint of the certificate used for authentication.
User User name for the domain account that the Batch Manager will use to access Infor Public Sector. This user must be added to the Infor Public Sector application in Infor Federation Services, and must be associated with an Infor Public Sector user with the appropriate permissions for batch processing tasks.


You can use the MAPPING node to define exit codes for different task statuses in the Batch Manager console application. These are the default codes:

  • -1: ErrorRunningBatchManager
  • 0: None
  • 1: NoInvocationData
  • 2: Completed
  • 3: CompletedWithErrors
  • 4: CompletedWithWarnings
  • 5: HaltedBeforeCompletion
  • 6: HaltedBeforeInvocation
  • 7: TimedOutBeforeCompletion
  • 8: UnhandledExceptionOccurred
  • 9: NoJobsToRun

The MAPPING node can have one or more MAPPING nodes as children, each of which assigns a code to a task status.

  • To override one of the default codes, use the Status and Exit Code attributes.
  • To define your own code, such as a code 10 for user exceptions, use the Task Type, Status, Result Code, and Exit Code attributes.

See "Batch Processing" in the Infor Public Sector User and Administration Library for more information.

Each MAPPING node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Exit Code Numeric code used for the specified task status, or for a combination of a status and a result code.
Result Code Result code for which the exit code is defined. You can use the Batch Manager Log to determine the correct values to use for the status and result code.
Status Task status for which the exit code is defined.
Task Type Task for which the mapping is defined.