Journal Run
Journal entries are written to the RESOURCES.JOURNAL table for later export to a general ledger system. Each entry in the JOURNAL table specifies a transaction number, an amount, a debit budget number, and a credit budget number. This task is typically run on a weekly or monthly basis.
There are two different versions of the journal process: the original formula-based process and the newer general ledger process. The formula-based process uses the formulas defined in the Journal Setup form to select the debit and credit budget numbers for each journal entry. The general ledger process uses the account mappings defined in the General Ledger Setup form instead. To switch from the formula-based process to the newer process, activate the General Ledger feature in the Feature Switches page.
The journal run process includes these steps:
- Select the account transactions and the deposit transactions that
require journal entries.
The NEEDSJOURNAL column in the ACCTTRAN (account transaction) or DEPTRAN (deposit transaction) table indicates which transactions require journal entries. Each transaction that is added has a Y in this column. The journal run finds them by selecting all transactions where the NEEDSJOURNAL column is not NULL. After a journal entry is created for a transaction, the NEEDSJOURNAL column is set to NULL to exclude the transaction from future journal runs.
- For each transaction, get the fiscal year and accounting period for the journal entry based on the transaction date.
- For each transaction, get the debit and credit budget numbers for
the journal entry based on the transaction type and designator.
- The formula-based process uses the formulas defined in the Journal
Setup form to select the budget numbers.
See "Journal setup" in the Infor Public Sector Billing Administration Guide.
- The general ledger process uses the GL account mappings defined in the
General Ledger Setup form to select the budget
See "General ledger setup" in the Infor Public Sector Billing Administration Guide.
- The formula-based process uses the formulas defined in the Journal
Setup form to select the budget numbers.
- Add a journal entry for each transaction.
This table describes the Configuration Editor settings that affect this task:
Configuration and path | Comments |
BatchProcessing/TASKS/Task: JournalRun/Threads | Sets the number of asynchronous threads the Batch Manager will use for the Journal Run process. Note that the default number of threads for all multithreaded processes is set in the BatchManager configuration’s Number of Task Threads attribute. You only need to enter a separate value here if you want to override the default. |
BILLING/BATCHMANAGER/Create Journal Run Inputs | Sets the commit number for all journal runs. The commit number determines
the number of transactions processed in each thread. Note: You can
enter any number, but there are limitations at the database
level. Oracle databases have a limit of 1,000 records, and SQL
Server databases have a limit of 2,000 records. Entering a
larger number will cause errors.
This table describes the Infor Public Sector setup forms that are used to configure this task:
Setup form | Comments |
Accounting Period Setup | Used to set up accounting periods based on the agency’s fiscal year and accounting practices. |
Feature Switches | Used to activate the General Ledger feature. |
General Ledger Setup | Setup form for the general ledger-based journal process. |
Journal Setup | Setup form for the formula-based journal process. |
This table lists the database tables that store setup information for this task:
Table | Comments |
BILLING.GLACCOUNT | Stores GL account definitions from General Ledger Setup. |
BILLING.GLACCOUNTMAPPING | Stores GL account mappings from General Ledger Setup. |
BILLING.GLMAPPINGOVERRIDE | Stores budget number overrides from General Ledger Setup. |
BILLING.JOURNALSETUP | Stores journal entry setup records from Journal Setup. |
You can use the Batch Manager form to schedule journal runs. This task has no parameters, so it is not available in the Billing Calendar.
If the journal run is successful, you should see a series of log entries similar to these in the Billing Batch Process log:
- Journal Run Started.
- Journal Run process started for Journal Key [journal run key] at: [date/time]
- Starting pools for the process...
- CreateJournalTask:CreateJournalEntries: Create Create Journal Entries started.
- SaveJournalTask: SaveJournalEntries: Started Committing [#] Journal Entry(ies) to database.
- Journal Run process finished.
In the database, the PROCESSINGFLAG column in the JOURNALRUN table is set to Y at the beginning of the run, and set to N when the run is completed.
Common errors
This table lists some common errors that this task may return:
Error message | Comments |
No Fiscal Year or Accounting Period for Transaction Date [date] | Check your accounting periods in Accounting Period Setup. |
Designator and Type failed for Designator - '[transaction designator]', and Type - '[transaction type]' | Check setups in the Journal Entry form. This message indicates that no credit or debit budget number formula was found for the specified transaction type and designator. |
ValidateBudgetNumberCode failed for CreditBudgetNumberCode -'[code]', for AccountTransaction - [transaction #] | The specified budget number code was not found in the database. |
ValidateBudgetNumberCode failed for DebitBudgetNumberCode -'[code]', for AccountTransaction - [transaction #] | The specified budget number code was not found in the database. |
ValidateBudgetNumberCode failed for CreditBudgetNumberCode -'[code]', for DepositTransaction – [transaction #] | The specified budget number code was not found in the database. |
ValidateBudgetNumberCode failed for DebitBudgetNumberCode -'[code]', for DepositTransaction – [transaction #] | The specified budget number code was not found in the database. |
Data output
This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:
Table | Comments |
RESOURCES.JOURNAL | Stores the journal entries. |
BILLING.JOURNALRUN | Stores information on the journal run, including the run key, the starting transaction numbers, and the number of transactions processed. |
BILLING.ACCTTRAN and BILLING.DEPTRAN | The NEEDSJOURNAL column is set to NULL for each transaction that had journal entries created in the run. This prevents duplicate entries from being created in future journal runs. |
This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:
Form | Comments |
Lookup Journal Runs | Standard Infor Public Sector lookup used to search for journal runs. |
Journal Run InfoViewer | Shows details of a selected journal run. |