Billing form codes
This table lists the form codes for the forms on the
menu.Form | Code |
Account Number Format | BANF |
Account Type | BAT |
Account Value Titles | BAVT |
Adjust Line Item | BALI |
Aging Block | BAB |
Alert Setup | BA |
Approval Level Setup | BAL |
Average Annual Consumption Setup | BAAC |
Bankruptcy Setup | BB |
Bill Type | BBT |
Billing Calendar | BBC |
Budget Billing Plan | BBBP |
Change Owner Setup | BCO |
Collection Setup | BC |
Create Address Service | BCAS |
Create Address Template | BCAT |
Create Bill Run | BCBR |
Create Builder Accounts | BCBA |
Create Collections Export Run | BCCER |
Create Delinquency Run | BCDR |
Create Direct Debit Run | BCDDR |
Create NSF Import | BCNI |
Create Payment Batch | BCPB |
Create Payment Import | BCPI |
Create Penalty Run | BCPR |
Create Reconcile Run | BCRR |
Credit Rating Setup | BCR |
Delinquency Setup | BD |
Direct Debit Setup | BDD |
Donation Setup | BDS |
Entitlement Type | BET |
Feature Switches | BFS |
Fixed Charge Setup | BFC |
Import NSF Setup | BIN |
Journal Setup | BJE |
Line Item Setup | BLI |
Lookup Accounts | BLA |
Lookup Address Templates | BLAT |
Lookup Adjustments | BLAD |
Lookup Bill Runs | BLBR |
Lookup Bills | BLB |
Lookup Collection Export Setups | BLCE |
Lookup Collections Export Runs | BLCER |
Lookup Delinquency Runs | BLDR |
Lookup Deposit Adjustments | BLDA |
Lookup Deposit Transactions | BLDT |
Lookup Direct Debit Runs | BLDDR |
Lookup Journal Runs | BLJR |
Lookup NSF Imports | BLNI |
Lookup Payment Batches | BLPB |
Lookup Payment Imports | BLPI |
Lookup Payments | BLP |
Lookup Penalty Runs | BLPR |
Lookup Reconcile Runs | BLRR |
Lookup Refunds | BLR |
Lookup Transactions | BLT |
Mail To Configuration | BMTC |
Manage Account | BMA |
Manage Account Setup | BMAS |
MAP Account Custom Tab | BMACT |
Move In Setup | BMI |
Move Out Setup | BMO |
NSF Setup | BN |
Operation Hours | BOH |
Owner Account Setup | BOA |
Payment Arrangement Template | BPAT |
Payment Import Setup | BPI |
Payment Reversal Reason Code | BPYRR |
Penalty Table | BPT |
Pending State Setup | BPS |
Post Payment Batch | BPPB |
Process Payments | BPP |
Rate Table | BRT |
Rebate Group | BRG |
Receive Payment | BRP |
Review Budget Billing | BRBB |
Service Definition | BSD |
Suspend Service Setup | BSS |
User Exception Code | BUEC |
Winter Average Setup | BWA |