Asset components
Components are defined for certain large assets, such as buildings, complexes, roadways, and water treatment plants. A component is a part of an asset that can be inspected separately, such as the railing, decking, or trusses of a bridge. During an inspection, you can record observations for the asset's components, so you can store inspection information for different parts of the asset in a single record.
You define the available components of an asset type when you set up the types of inspections that can be performed on that asset type.
See Adding a component to an asset inspection type.
Note: You can add components both
to an asset and to an inspection type. If you plan to add components to inspection
types, we recommend against also defining components for the assets themselves. Defining
components in both places can cause some components to be unavailable, depending on
which components the asset and inspection type have in common. Except in rare cases, we
recommend that you define components for inspection types only.
These asset types support components:
- Bridge
- Building
- Complex
- Equipment
- Facility
- Lift station
- Pump station
- Treatment plant