Setting up asset inspection exchanges

  1. Select Asset Management > Setup > Inspection Exchange Setup.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify the name of your organization. This is required when you reimport inspections that were previously exported, because it is used to validate inspections by matching the organization name. The organization name is not used when you import new inspections.
    Job Class
    Specify the job class of your asset inspectors. This is used to select the employees that are included in the export to the Access database.
    Export Destination
    Specify the default directory path for export files. You can click the popup button to open the Directory Search popup and select a directory.
    Import Source
    Specify the default directory path for import files. You can click the popup button to open the Directory Search popup and select a directory.
    EDM Provider
    Select the EDM provider where attachments associated with imported inspections will be stored. The attachments are typically images and video files showing observations that were recorded during an inspection.
    Document Type
    Select the document type that will be used for the imported attachments.
    Exclude Attachments
    Select this check box if you want to exclude attachments when importing inspections.
    Note: This check box is only available if you select an IPS provider in the EDM Provider field.
    Limit File Size
    Specify the maximum size of imported attachments.
    Attributes grid
    The attributes of the document type that you select in the Document Type list are shown in the grid. You can use the grid to set default values for these attributes.
  3. Click Save.