Sites and complexes
A site is an asset that serves as the location of another asset. For example, if a pickup truck is usually parked at a water treatment plant, you might designate the plant as the site for the pickup. In turn, the pickup can serve as the site for a portable air compressor. By designating an asset as the site of another asset, you create an association between the two records.
These types of assets can be used as sites:
- Building
- Facility
- Fluid storage unit
- Plant miscellaneous
- Sewer lift station
- Sewer manhole
- Sewer miscellaneous
- Sidewalk
- Storm levee
- Storm lift station
- Storm manhole
- Storm miscellaneous
- Storm storage basin
- Street appurtenance
- Vehicle
- Water Miscellaneous
- Water pump station
- Water storage unit
- Water well
Just as you can specify an asset's site on the Associated tab of the asset InfoViewer, you can specify the complex where an asset is located.
Note: The term "complex" also refers to a specific asset type in Infor Public Sector. Here it is being used more generally to refer to an extensive asset
where other assets might be located.
You first select the asset type from the Complex list, and you then specify the asset ID in the field to the right.
These asset types can serve as complexes:
- Complex
- Park
- Rail yard
- Reservoir
- Sewer treatment plant
- Water treatment plant