Adding a component to an asset inspection type

Note: You can add components both to an inspection type, using this form, or to an asset record, using the asset InfoViewer. Except in rare cases, we recommend that you define components for inspection types only. Defining components in both places can cause some components to be unavailable for an inspection, depending on which components the asset and inspection type have in common.
  1. Select Asset Management > Assets > [Asset Module].
  2. On the correct asset type tab, under Configuration, click Inspection Types.
  3. In the Inspection Types tree, browse to the Components node for the correct inspection type.
  4. Click Add above the Components grid.
  5. Click the popup button to the right of the Component Type Name field.
    All the component types available for the current asset are listed. If the component you want isn't present, you can add it to the grid.
  6. Select the correct component, and click Select.
  7. Click Save.