Looking up assets in the Asset Browser
- Select Asset Management > Asset Browser.
Enter your search criteria in the fields at the top of the
You can use the Asset ID field to search based on the ID alone, or you can first select an asset type from the Asset list.
To look up network assets such as sewer mains, we recommend that you first select the asset type. Searching for network assets based on just an asset ID might not return the correct results, because a network asset is identified by two asset IDs, one for each endpoint.
- Select View Work Orders, View Costs, or View Asset Valuations if you also want to see associated work orders, costs, and asset valuations.
The browser shows a category node for each type of asset that matches your search criteria. You can expand these nodes to see nodes for the specific assets that your search returned. If an asset is associated with other assets, you can expand the asset node to see the associated assets.
If you selected the options to show associated work orders, costs, or asset valuations, the nodes for the associated records are found under each asset node.
When you click an asset node, basic information about the asset is displayed on the right. You can right-click the node and select Open Asset to view and edit the asset in the InfoViewer.