Creating an asset inspection

  1. Select Asset Management > Assets > [Asset Module].
  2. On the correct asset type tab, under Asset Inspections, click Create Inspection.
    Note: You can also use the Action button in the asset InfoViewer to create an inspection.
  3. Click the correct inspection type in the Inspection Type tree.
    If standard operating procedures have been written for the inspection type, that information is displayed under Standard Procedures.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the asset ID field or fields, specify the identification code for the asset to inspect.
    This step is unnecessary if you're creating an inspection from the InfoViewer.
  6. Specify any other information about the inspection.
    If you want to inspect a portion of the asset, specify the width and length to be inspected in the Asset Length and Asset Width fields.
    Note: The values are copied from the asset record automatically if you've selected the Automatically Copy Dimensions check box on the Asset Inspection Preferences node in your My Infor preferences.
  7. Click Save.
    If the inspection type includes any index calculations, the numerical result of those calculations are shown under Measurement in the index grid.