Customizing templates
The inspection exchange feature must be configured separately for each asset type and
exchange format. Some of the most commonly used templates are available out of the box. You
can customize these templates as needed, and you can add your own templates.
In the context of the inspection exchange feature, the term "template" refers to the collection of files that configure a specific exchange process. There are five files for each template:
- The template database defines the structure of the Access database. The export process starts by copying the template database to the specified export location and then filling in the data.
- The export template defines the data to be exported. This is an XML file that uses the same general structure as the mapping files for the Definition Manager.
- The export transform file uses XSLT to convert the exported data to the structure used by the Access database.
- Similar to the export template, the import template defines the inspection data to be imported when inspections are completed.
- The import transform file converts the imported data to the Infor Public Sector data structure.
You can customize an existing template by modifying these files, such as adding fields to the export and import templates.
To add a new template you must create these files and place them in a template folder on the server. You must then add the template to the AssetManagement configuration.