Import configuration

The structure of the Access middleware database for an inspection exchange template varies depending on the type of inspection, but each database includes specific tables for the new and updated records that must be imported into Infor Public Sector. These tables must be populated correctly to complete a successful import.

See the reference material for details about the required tables and columns in the standard templates.

For example, the Neztek Sewer Mains template imports data from these tables in the Access database:

  • NEWSCTV: Used to import new inspections
  • SRCESCTV: Used to import updates to existing inspections
  • NEWSMFO: Used to import new inspection observations
  • SRCESMFO: Used to import updates to existing observations
  • SRCEATTACH: Used to import attachments for inspections
  • SRCEIMAG: Used to import attachments for observations

To import the inspection data correctly you must ensure that these tables are populated with the correct values. The required columns must be filled in, and the records in the Access database must be linked so they can be correctly linked in Infor Public Sector.

For example, if you are importing a new inspection with two observations, the observations in the NEWSMFO table are linked to the inspection in the NEWSCTV table based on the INSPKEY (inspection key) column.

Note: The keys for new records in the Access database are temporary, so they can be any values that you choose. The Infor Public Sector keys are generated during the import process. The only requirement is that the temporary key for each record must be unique.