Used to import observations for new inspections. The new observations are added to
This table shows the property of the SMNServiceInspectionObservation
object that each column in the NEWSMFO table maps to.
Access DB column | IPS property |
CDKey | Not mapped |
COMMENTS | Comments |
COMPONENT | Not mapped |
DEFECTPERCENT | Not mapped |
DistFrom | StartDistance |
DistTo | DistanceTo |
ErrorLevel | Not mapped |
GROUTED | IsGrouted |
Images | Not mapped |
ImgId | Not mapped |
INCH1 | Not mapped |
INCH2 | Not mapped |
INSPKEY | Primary key of the inspection that the observation is associated with. This must match the INSPKEY column for an inspection in the SRCESCTV table. |
INSPNO | ID of the new inspection that the observation is associated with. This must match the INSPNO column for an inspection in the NEWSCTV table. |
JOINT | Not mapped |
MEAS | Measurement |
MEASFROM | MeasuredFrom |
OBCODE | ObservationDefinition.ObservationDefinitionKey |
OBDEGREE | Not mapped |
ObKey | ObservationSeverity.ObservationSeverityKey |
OBPOSFROM | PositionFrom.Code |
OBPOSTO | PositionTo.Code |
OBSID | Specify a temporary key for the new observation record. The value must be unique. This key is used only to link attachments to the observation within the Access database. When observations are imported, the links are established in the Infor Public Sector database using the keys generated during the import process. |
OFFSET | Offset |
OFFSETUOM | Not mapped |
RELDISTFR | RelativeDistanceFrom |
RELDISTTO | RelativeDistanceTo |
WIDTH | Width |
WIDTHUOM | Not mapped |