Licensing models
Under the named user model, each license is assigned to a specific user. If you have 20 licenses for Infor Public Sector CRM, each of those licenses is assigned to a specific employee, and only those 20 employees may use CRM.
Under the concurrent user model, the agency's employees share a pool of licenses. If you have 20 licenses for CRM, then any 20 employees are authorized to use CRM at one time. Each user who is assigned a CRM license counts as a concurrent user when he or she signs in. The user is removed from the concurrent user count on logout.
Infor charges more per license under the concurrent model, because a smaller number of licenses serves the same number of users. Under the named user model, the total number of licenses for each module equals the total number of employees who have access to that module. Each user requires a separate license, regardless of how often he or she logs in. Under the concurrent user model, the total number of licenses equals the greatest number of employees who will use the module at any one time.