Messaging configuration

The Messaging configuration is used to configure messaging for Infor Public Sector. This includes enabling or disabling messaging, configuring messaging processes in the Batch Manager, and indicating which import and export mapping files are used for specific types of messages.

The Messaging configuration has a root Messaging node with four children: Inbound Processing, Listeners, Mappings, and Outbound Processing.

The root Messaging node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Accounting Entity ID Accounting entity ID of this application.
Default Mapper Type Default mapper for all mappings. Can be overridden for individual mappings. The mapper is responsible for mapping message data to or from a business object.
Enable Mapping Configuration Validation Enables mapping configuration validation. This is disabled by default for performance reasons. Enabling this will cause each message to go through validation for its mapping process.
Location ID Location ID of this application.
Messaging Enabled Set to True to enable messaging for this instance of Infor Public Sector, or False to disable messaging.
Queuing Enabled Indicates whether outbound messages that contain components will be queued for processing at a later time. Message queuing can be used to improve performance.
Revision ID Revision ID of this application.

Inbound Processing

The Inbound Processing node stores default settings for the inbound messaging process. This node has a child Handlers node that defines one or more handlers for inbound messages.

The Inbound Processing node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Batch Size Maximum number of messages that will be processed in one batch per business object type.
Default Processing Manager Type Moniker of the default manager to use for inbound message processing. Required.
Delimiter Delimiter to use for inbound BODs. The default is @@.
Poller Type Moniker of the poller to use for inbound processing. Required.
Polling Frequency Interval in seconds at which inbound messages are processed.


The Listeners node has one or more Listener nodes as children. A listener is a piece of code that responds to a specified event in the messaging process.

Each Listener node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Description Description of the listener.
Listener Type Moniker Moniker of the listener.


The Mappings node has no attributes of its own. This node server as the parent for a collection of Mapping nodes, each of which contains a mapping for a specific Infor Public Sector business object. Each Mapping node can have up to four children: Inbound, Outbound, Formatters, and Listeners.

Each Mapping node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Business Object Moniker Moniker of the business object for which the mapping is defined. Required.
Description An optional description providing detailed information on the mapping.
Mapper Type Can be used to override the default mapper defined on the Messaging node.
Noun Noun used to represent the business object. Required.
Verb Verb used for this mapping, indicating the action to be performed. Required.

Inbound node

If a mapping is used for inbound messaging, the Mapping node will have one Inbound node as a child. The Inbound node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Automatic Polling Enabled Used to enable or disable inbound processing for this mapping.
Mapping File Relative path to the mapping file for this mapping. The path is relative to the mapping root defined in the Inbound Processing node.
Processing Manager Type Moniker of the IProcessingManager to use for inbound message processing.
Processor Extension Type Moniker for the IProcessorExtension implementation to use for this inbound mapping.

Outbound node

If a mapping is used for outbound messaging, the Mapping node will have an Outbound node as a child. The Outbound node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Automatic Messaging Enabled Used to enable or disable outbound processing for this mapping.
Automatic Polling Enabled If message queuing is enabled, this attribute enables or disables processing from the queue. If the value is True, the Batch Manager will process the messages in the queue at the polling interval specified on the Outbound Processing node. If False, you can set up a Formula task in the Batch Manager to process the messages in the queue. Disabling automatic polling can help to improve performance because the messages are all processed simultaneously, typically overnight, rather than being processed throughout the day.
Default Priority Default priority to assign when sending messages of this type. Valid values are between 0 and 9. The default is 4.
Mapping File Relative path to the mapping file for this mapping. The path is relative to the mapping root defined in the Outbound Processing node.
Processing Manager Type Moniker of the IProcessingManager to use for outbound message processing.
Processor Extension Type Moniker for the IProcessorExtension implementation to use for this outbound mapping.
Queuing Enabled Can be used to override the Queuing Enabled attribute on the root Messaging node.
To Logical ID ION Connect logical ID to which messages should be routed. If no value is specified, then ION will decide.
Use IMS Set the value to True if you want to use the Infor Messaging Service (IMS) to send outbound messages.


Each Mapping node can have an optional Formatters node as a child. The Formatters node defines data and field formatters for the mapping. A formatter is a piece of code that manipulates imported or exported data, either before or after it is mapped. Field formatters apply to specific fields in the message, and data formatters apply to the message as a whole.

The Formatters node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Clear Default Formatters Set to True to clear the default formatters for the parent mapping.
Data Formatter Type Defines the data formatter moniker for this mapping.
Field Formatter Type Defines the field formatter moniker for this mapping.

Outbound Processing

The Outbound Processing node stores default settings for the outbound messaging process. This node has a child Handlers node that defines one or more handlers for outbound messages.

The Outbound Processing node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Batch Size Maximum number of messages that will be processed in each outbound batch.
Default Processing Manager Type Moniker of the default manager to use for outbound message processing. Required.
Delimiter Delimiter to use for outbound BODs. The default is @@.
Poller Type Moniker of the poller to use for outbound processing.
Polling Frequency Interval in seconds at which outbound messages are processed.


The Handlers node is a child of both the Inbound Processing node and the Outbound Processing node. It has one or more Handler nodes as children. A handler is a piece of code that determines how a message is to be processed.

Each Handler node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Description Description of the message handler.
Handler Type Moniker Moniker of the message handler.
Priority Order in which the handler will be evaluated. More specific handlers should have higher priorities than more general handlers.