Laserfiche limitations

There are some limitations on the use of Laserfiche EDM providers in Infor Public Sector.


You might notice that thumbnails are not displayed properly in Infor Public Sector for attachments that are stored in Laserfiche. This can happen if Laserfiche has not generated the thumbnail yet. You can force Laserfiche to generate the thumbnail by opening the file in the Laserfiche application.

PNG files

You can upload .png files to Laserfiche from Infor Public Sector, but Laserfiche will convert them to TIF files when it saves them. The extension is still .png, but the file content uses the TIF format. Standard browsers do not support TIF files, so the images will not be displayed properly in Infor Public Sector when retrieved from Laserfiche.

As a workaround, you can remove .png from the list of displayed extensions, which will cause the files to be downloaded rather than shown in the browser. Open the Hansen8 configuration in the Configuration Editor and select the ATTACHMENTS node. Ensure that the Display Extensions attribute is present, and that .png is not included in the list of supported extensions. You must refresh the Infor Public Sector application after saving the configuration changes.