BatchProcessing configuration
The BatchProcessing configuration in the Configuration Editor defines the tasks that are available in the Batch Manager. The root
node has one child node, which has a number of nodes as children. Each node can have these attributes:Attribute | Description |
Batch Size | Number of records in a batch. |
Excluded License | If you specify a license, then any users with that license will not have access to this task. |
Invoke Task Permission | Full path and name of the permission in Access Control that grants permission to invoke the task. If you do not specify a permission, then all users can invoke the task. |
license | License that users must be granted to have access to this task. |
Manage Task Permission | Full path and name of the permission in Access Control that grants permission to configure the task. If you do not specify a permission, then all users can manage the task. |
moniker | Moniker of the business object that is associated with the task. |
name | Name of the task. |
runViewerMoniker | Moniker of the applet that shows information on the task, such as the Bill Run InfoViewer. |
taskRepeat | Indicates whether the task can be repeated. If True, the Batch Manager will show the Repeat Task check box and associated elements. |
taskType | Used to differentiate between multiple tasks that use the same business object. |
Threads | Number of threads to use when running this task. |
uccApplet | Applet that is used to specify parameters for the task. |
uccAppletModifiedForTaskCalendar | Indicates whether the task's ucc applet is modified when displayed in the Billing Calendar. For example, certain fields might be hidden. |
uccScheduleDate | Page that is used to specify schedule conditions for the task. |
UseCalendarType | Type of calendar that can be used to schedule this task. You can specify None or Billing. If you specify Billing, then users can schedule the task in the Billing Calendar. |
View Task Permission | Full path and name of the permission in Access Control that grants permission to view the task. If you do not specify a permission, then all users can view the task. |