AssetManagement configuration

The AssetManagement configuration stores settings for Infor Public Sector’s Asset Management modules.

The AssetManagement configuration has a root Asset Management node with these children: Asset Analysis, Asset Inspection Exchange, Asset Type Lists, Asset Valuation, Families, Max Records, Measurements, and Work Management.

Asset Analysis node

The Asset Analysis node has one attribute.

Attribute Description
Allow Multiple Results Per Target YearIndicates whether asset needs analysis can recommend more than one result activity per asset in each target year. The default is True.

Asset Inspection Exchange node

The Asset Inspection Exchange node defines templates for importing and exporting asset inspections. See "Asset Management" in the Infor Public Sector User and Administration Library for more information.

This node has one or more Template nodes as children. Each Template node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Enabled? Indicates whether the template is enabled.
Export Template File File name of the export template.
Export Transform File Name of the XSL file that is used for exports.
Import Template File File name of the import template.
Import Transform File Name of the XSL file that is used for imports.
Name Name of the template.
Supported Asset Types List of asset types that this template supports. Specify the comptypes of the supported asset types in a comma-separated list.
Template Base Folder Relative path to the folder where the template files are located.
Template Database Name of the blank Access database. This serves as a template for the database created by the export process.

Asset Type Lists node

The Asset Type Lists node defines lists of asset types for different purposes, such as the types of assets that can serve as sites for other assets, or the asset types that you can use as endpoints for sewer mains. These lists are displayed in drop-down boxes on various pages in Infor Public Sector. The Asset Type Lists node has several ID nodes as children, each of which defines an asset type list. Each ID node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
List ID ID for the asset type list.
List Type Type of list. Can be one of these values:
  • all: The list includes all asset types
  • UsePropertyKeys: The asset types that belong to the list are specified based on key properties
  • UseChildList: The asset types that belong to the list are specified individually in a Types node

Depending on the list type, each ID node can have one PropertyKeys node or one Types node as a child.

If the list type is UsePropertyKeys, the PropertyKeys node defines the properties that are used to select asset types for the list. Each PropertyKeys node can have one or more Key Property nodes as children. Each Key Property node has one attribute:

Attribute Description
Key Property Property that defines the asset types that are displayed in the list. You can select asset types for the list based on their Key Property attributes (specified in the Type nodes under the Family node). For example, if the key property for a list is Site, the list will include all asset types that have Site as their key property.

If the list type is UseChildList, you can use a Types node to specify the asset types to include in the list. Each Types node has one or more Type nodes as children, each of which defines one asset type for the list. Each Type node has one attribute:

Attribute Description
Type ID Comptype code for an asset type that is displayed in the list. See the table below for a complete list of codes.

Asset types are defined by their comptype codes, such as 22 for a sewer manhole or 96 for a building. This table lists the standard comptype codes:

Asset Type Code Asset Type Code Asset Type Code
Appurtenance 16 Reservoir 102 Storm Miscellaneous 72
Bridge 66 Reservoir Embankment 105 Storm Node 32
Building 96 Reservoir Instrumentation 106 Storm Pump 48
Complex 86 Reservoir Miscellaneous 107 Storm Service Line 33
Culvert 113 Reservoir Spillway 104 Storm Storage Basin 108
Facility 4 Reservoir Storage Basin 103 Storm Valve 49
Fleet Equipment 110 Roadway 100 Street Light 73
Fluid Storage Unit 34 Sewer Backflow Preventer 19 Street Segment 68
Hydrant 12 Sewer Lift Station 15 Street Sign 20
Industrial Waste Backflow Preventer 79 Sewer Main 21 Street Signal 74
Industrial Waste Lift Station 80 Sewer Manhole 22 Support 112
Industrial Waste Main 81 Sewer Meter 23 Tree 36
Industrial Waste Manhole 82 Sewer Meter Component 115 Usage Area 109
Industrial Waste Miscellaneous 83 Sewer Meter Register 114 Vehicle 37
Industrial Waste Node 84 Sewer Miscellaneous 69 Water Backflow Preventer 38
Industrial Waste Service Line 85 Sewer Node 24 Water Main 41
Intersection 13 Sewer Pump 25 Water Meter 42
Landscape 14 Sewer Service Line 26 Water Meter Component 119
Levee 111 Sewer Treatment Plant 98 Water Meter Register 118
Park 18 Sewer Valve 35 Water Miscellaneous 70
Plant Equipment 3 Sidewalk 97 Water Node 43
Plant Miscellaneous 75 Storm Backflow Preventer 87 Water Pump 44
Rail Appurtenance 90 Storm Channel 28 Water Pump Station 78
Rail Bridge 120 Storm Inlet 29 Water Service Line 45
Rail Crossing 91 Storm Lift Station 77 Water Storage Unit 67
Rail Segment 89 Storm Main 31 Water Treatment Plant 99
Rail Sign 92 Storm Manhole 30 Water Valve 46
Rail Signal 93 Storm Meter 88 Well 40
Rail Station 94 Storm Meter Component 117
Rail Yard 95 Storm Meter Register 116

Asset Valuation node

The Asset Valuation node defines settings for the Asset Valuation module. This node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Enable Rollback Workflow Events Set to True to enable workflow event formulas when rolling back asset valuation runs. For performance reasons, workflow events are skipped by default when rolling back a run. For example, if you have a formula for the BeforeDelete event of the AssetValuationJournal object, you must specify True to execute the formula on rollback.
Rollback Batch Size Number of depreciation records that will be deleted at a time when you roll back an asset valuation run.

Families node

The Families node defines various information for each asset type, divided into the various Asset Management modules (also known as families). This node has several Family nodes as children, each of which defines the asset types for a particular module. Each Family node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Display Name Display name of the module.
Family ID ID for the asset module.
Path Name Name to use for the family in Access Control.

Each Family node has one or more Type nodes as children, each of which defines an asset type. Each Type node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
appletMoniker Moniker of the applet used to create assets of this type.
Asset Type List ID Asset type list associated with the current asset type. The value of this attribute must match the List ID attribute of an ID node under Asset Type Lists. For example, the Water Main asset type references the WaterMainTypes list, which lists asset types that can serve as endpoint of a water main.
Asset Type Name Name to use the for the asset type in Access Control.
Auto Replace Display Name If set to True, then the name specified in the Full Display Name attribute will be used for the asset type throughout Infor Public Sector.
Edit Access ID Access ID for the permission that is required to edit assets of this type. An access ID is a unique number that identifies a permission in Access Control.
Full Display Name Full display name for the asset type. Use this to replace the system-defined name of the asset type with your own name.
Key Property Key property for the asset type. This can be used to associate the asset type with a UsePropertyKeys list under the Asset Type Lists node.
License License that must be purchased to use the asset type. Note that some asset types specify more than one license, because they’re included in more than one module.
moniker Moniker of the object that supplies the asset data. This is set to Hansen.AssetManagement.AssetCollection in all cases, and should not be changed.
Search Page Path Path to the popup page for the asset type.
Short Display Name Short display name for the asset type.
Type ID Unique key for the asset type, also known as a comptype. This is the same value that identifies the asset type in the COMPTYPE table in the database. The standard Infor Public Sector asset types have comptypes ranging from 3 to 120, which are listed in the table above. Each agency-defined asset type will be assigned the next available key as it is added to the database, starting with 1000.
Type Source Source of the asset type. 0 indicates a standard asset type and 1 indicates a configured asset type.
viewerMoniker Moniker of the InfoViewer for this asset type.

Each Type node has four children: Browser Node, Children, Events, and Monikers. The Events and Monikers nodes are not documented here, because they should not be edited.

The Browser Node node defines how the asset type are displayed in the Asset Browser. This node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
accid Access ID for this asset type in the browser. The access ID is a unique number that identifies the permission in Access Control that users must be granted to gain access to this item.
disp Common ID of the property that is displayed next to each asset node in the browser. By default this attribute is set to [ID], meaning Infor Public Sector will show each asset’s unit ID. To show a different property, specify its common ID between brackets, such as [UnitDesc] to show the asset’s description. (You can look up common IDs in the Schema Manager.) You can also specify more than one property, such as [ID] [UnitDesc] to show the asset ID and description.
dispid Property used to identify each asset in the browser. This is set to AssetKey in all cases, and should not be changed.
foldericon Relative path to the image file used as the icon for the collection of assets of this type in the browser. The path is relative to the client\Images directory in the Infor Public Sector application directory.
icon Relative path to the image file used as the icon for this asset type in the browser. The path is relative to the client\Images directory in the Infor Public Sector application directory.
Moniker Moniker of the object that supplies the data displayed in the browser. This is set to Hansen.AssetManagement.AssetCollection in all cases, and should not be changed.
VersionDisplay Display format to use for non-current roadways.

The Browser Node node can have one Menu node and one Page node as children. The Menu node defines the popup menu that is displayed when you right-click an asset of this type in the browser. This node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
accid Access ID for the permission that is required to complete the specified action.
action Action to be performed when a user selects the menu item.
applet Moniker of the applet to be launched when a user selects the menu item.
name Display name of the menu item.

The Page node defines the information that is displayed in the right pane when a user selects an asset of this type in the browser. This node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
accid Access ID for the permission that is required to view the page.
applet Moniker of the applet to show.
moniker Moniker of the object that supplies the data for the page. This is set to Hansen.AssetManagement.Asset in all cases, and should not be changed.
name Name of the .ascx page to show.

The Children node lists other asset types that can be children of the selected asset type. This node can have one or more Child ID nodes as children. Each Child ID node has one attribute:

Attribute Description
Child Type ID Comptype code for a child asset type. See the table above for a complete list of comptypes.

Max Records node

The Max Records node has one attribute:

Attribute Description
Recalculate Indexes Maximum number of inspections before Infor Public Sector will use the Batch Manager to recalculate inspection indexes. When you use the Inspection Indexes page to recalculate indexes, you specify a date range for the inspections whose indexes you want to recalculate. Recalculating indexes for a large number of inspections can affect system performance, so if the number of inspections within the specified date range is greater than the value of this attribute, Infor Public Sector will create a task in the Batch Manager.

Measurements node

The Measurements node defines various units of measure for use in the Asset Management modules. These are used to populate drop-down lists, such as a list of the different units that can be used to measure a roadway.

Note: If a drop-down list showing these units of measure is sorted alphabetically (the IsSorted property on the page control is True), then the items will be shown in alphabetical order. If not, then the items will be shown in the order in which they appear in the configuration.

The Measurements node has a set of Units of Measure nodes as children, each of which defines a group of units of measure for a particular purpose, such as measuring the length of a roadway or the area of an asset. Each Units of Measure node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Default Display Unit Default unit that will be used to display this kind of measurement.
Set Specifies the purpose of this collection of units of measure.

Each Units of Measure node has a several unit nodes as children, which define different units of measure, such as feet, meters, miles, and kilometers, for measuring length. Each unit node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Name Name of the unit of measure.
uomid ID for the unit of measure.
Value Value of the unit of measure.

Work Management node

The Work Management node has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Force Work Order Update For the Create Work Order form only, if the value is True, then Infor Public Sector will execute status checks, milestone progression, before update formulas, and after update formulas upon adding a work order to the database.
Start Duplicates on First Milestone Indicates how the milestone is set when a duplicate work order is created. If True, the duplicate work order starts at the first milestone for the activity type. If False, the duplicate work order starts at the same milestone as the original work order.