Group box properties

Group boxes are containers that can hold other controls, such as the Contacts group box that shows information about contacts, or the Address group box that shows information about an address. Group boxes typically have a Hide/Show button that users can click to minimize and maximize the group box.

Whenever you add a control collection, Infor Public Sector uses a group box control in the ascx page that it generates to contain all of the controls for that collection. When you add a group box, you must first add the group box control to the page. You can then add any controls that you want in the group box, including other group boxes. The Page Editor treats a group box and all of the controls inside it as a single control when you move the group box around.


Property Description
ID (advanced) Identification code for the group box.

You cannot change the IDs of the out-of-the-box controls.

You can change the IDs that Infor Public Sector generates for agency-defined controls, but we recommend that you use the default values.


Property Description
ReadAccessId (advanced) Access ID for the permission that users must be granted to view the group box.
WriteAccessId (advanced) Access ID for the permission that users must be granted to edit information within the group box.
ReadAccessPath (advanced) Path of the permission that users must be granted to view the group box.

The access path is an alternative to the access ID. For example, the access ID for the permission to create a work order is 8434, and the path is Work Management/Work Order/Create Work Order.

WriteAccessPath (advanced) Path of the permission that users must be granted to edit information within the group box.


Property Description
GroupBoxTitle Title that is displayed in the group box’s header.
HasHeader Indicates whether the group box includes a header. The header is the bar at the top of the box that includes the title and the Hide/Show button.
StartMaximized Indicates whether the group box will be maximized when a user first opens the page it is displayed on.
HeaderButtonOffset (advanced) Number of pixels between the buttons in the header. This property only applies if you have defined buttons in the HeaderButtonStrings property.
HeaderButtonsShowMinimized (advanced) Indicates whether Infor Public Sector will show the header buttons when the group box is minimized. This property only applies if you have defined buttons in the HeaderButtonStrings property.
HeaderButtonStrings (advanced) Lists the buttons that are displayed in the group box’s header. To add buttons to the header, you must first define one or more Button controls, taking note of their IDs, and then place them in the group box. You can then specify their IDs in the HeaderButtonStrings property, separated by commas with no spaces. The specified buttons will be displayed in the header, separated by the number of pixels indicated in the HeaderButtonOffset property.
ShowInPortal (advanced) For detail pages, this property indicates whether the group box will be included when the detail is displayed in Infor Rhythm for Civics.


Property Description
CanMinimize (advanced) Indicates whether the group box can be minimized. If you select False, the Minimize button will not be displayed in the group box’s header.
CollapseTitleControl (advanced) ID of the control, such as an edit box or HTML area, whose value Infor Public Sector will show as a title when the group box is collapsed.
FollowsAfter (advanced) ID of the control that the group box follows in the page's tab order.


Property Description
FollowsBottomEdge Indicates whether the group box abuts the bottom of the page or group area it is displayed in.
FollowsRightEdge Indicates whether the group box abuts the right edge of the page or group area it is displayed in.
Width Width of the group box in pixels.
Height Height of the group box in pixels.
Top (advanced) Position of the top of the group box, in pixels.
Left (advanced) Position of the left edge of the group box, in pixels.