Drop-down box properties

A drop-down box, also known as a list or a drop-down list, presents a list of options when a user clicks the arrow to the right of the field.

There are different ways to get the items that appear in the list. You can use the Items property to define items individually, or you can get the list of items from an enumeration or collection. For example, you can use the ListBindEnum property to bind the drop-down box to an enumeration.

Note: The behavior of drop-down boxes is also affected by the Enable Legacy Dropdown Initialization attribute on the RUNTIMEFLAGS node of the Hansen8 configuration.

General properties

Property Description
ID (advanced) Identification code for the drop-down box.

You cannot change the IDs of the out-of-the-box controls.

You can change the IDs that Infor Public Sector generates for agency-defined controls, but we recommend that you use the default values.

Access properties

EditAccessID (advanced)Access ID for the permission that users must be granted to edit the information in the drop-down box.
ViewAccessID (advanced)Access ID for the permission that users must be granted to view the drop-down box.
EditAccessPath (advanced) Path of the permission that users must be granted to edit the information in the drop-down box.

The access path is an alternative to the access ID. For example, the access ID for the permission to create a work order is 8434, and the path is Work Management/Work Order/Create Work Order.

ViewAccessPath (advanced) Path of the permission that users must be granted to view the drop-down box.

Appearance properties

LabelTextText of the drop-down box’s label.
LabelTipTooltip that is displayed when a user hovers over the drop-down box’s label.
Visible (advanced)The drop-down box will be hidden if you set the Visible property to False.
ShowInPortal (advanced) For detail pages, this property indicates whether the drop-down box will be included when the detail is displayed in Infor Rhythm for Civics.

Behavior properties

AlwaysSendValue (advanced)Indicates whether the drop-down box will send values that are not included in the list. If the value is True, then users can type in their own values. If False, then users must select an item from the list.
DisabledCanEdit (advanced)Indicates whether users can make a disabled drop-down box editable by clicking the Edit button at the top of an InfoViewer. A control is disabled if its Enabled property is set to False, or if the page is opened through an InfoViewer.
Enabled (advanced)Indicates whether the drop-down box is enabled for user interaction when the user first opens the page it is displayed on.
FollowsAfter (advanced)ID of the control that this drop-down box follows in the page's tab order.
IsSorted (advanced)Indicates whether the items in the drop-down box are sorted alphabetically.

If the items aren’t sorted alphabetically, then the order depends on the source of the items. For example, if the items come from an enumeration, the order depends on the enumeration.

MaxRows (advanced)Maximum number of rows that Infor Public Sector will show in the drop-down box before adding a scrollbar.
Required Indicates whether Infor Public Sector will require the user to enter information in the drop-down box.

Layout properties

LabelOffsetAmount of space, in pixels, reserved for the drop-down box’s label.
WidthWidth of the drop-down box in pixels.
Left (advanced)Position of the left edge of the drop-down box, in pixels.
Top (advanced)Position of the top of the drop-down box, in pixels.

Rule properties

ValidationFormulaFormula that will be used to validate the data that is entered in the drop-down box.
OnRenderFormula Formula that is executed when the drop-down box is rendered on the page. For example, you can use a formula to show or hide the drop-down box by changing the value of the Visible property.
OnSelectRule (advanced)Method that will be executed when a user selects an item in the drop-down box.

See Rules.

OnValueChangedClientJavascript (advanced)Name of the JavaScript function that will be executed when a user changes the selection in the drop-down box.

Value properties

BindBusiness object property that the drop-down box is bound to.
DefaultValueDefault value that is displayed in the drop-down box.
ItemsLists the options that are displayed in the drop-down box. When you click the Items button, Infor Public Sector shows the Drop Down Item Collection dialog box, which you can use to define the available options.

You can also get the list of options by binding the drop-down box to a collection or an enumeration. Use the ListBind or ListBindEnum property.

Moniker (advanced)Moniker of the business object that the drop-down box is bound to. The Moniker and Bind properties specify the popup that Infor Public Sector will show for the drop-down box. The moniker should specify the business object of the property that the control is bound to.
ListBind (advanced)Collection that the drop-down box is bound to. The items in the specified collection will be used to populate the list.
ListBindEnum (advanced)Enumeration that the drop-down box is bound to. The items in the specified enumeration will be used to populate the list. Enter the name of the business object that the page is bound to followed by the name of the enumeration.
Note: You can use the Enumerations configuration to specify a default value to show in the drop-down box, and to set the order in which the items are shown in the list.
ListBindDisplayTextProperty (advanced)Property of the collection the drop-down box is bound to that Infor Public Sector will use as the display text for each item that is displayed in the drop-down box.
ListBindValueProperty (advanced)Property of the collection the drop-down box is bound to that Infor Public Sector will use as the value for each item that is displayed in the drop-down box.