Inspection viewer tabs

This table describes each tab in the mobile app's inspection viewer:

Tab Description
Summary Shows general information about the inspection.
Checklist Shows any checklists that have been defined for the inspection type.

See Using checklists.

Attachment Used to view any existing attachments for the inspection, and to add new attachments.
Comments Use the Comments tab to view and update the comments associated with the current inspection.
Violations Shows any code violations associated with the current inspection. To add a new code violation, tap the Add button.
Details Shows any details associated with the current inspection. You can select any detail in the grid to view more information, and to update the detail information.
Logs Shows any log entries associated with the current inspection. To add a new log entry, tap the Add button.
History Shows any other inspections that are associated with the same application as the current inspection. You can select an inspection in the list to show that inspection record.