
To configure a dataset that only shows images, and is not connected to any records in Infor Public Sector, add a Dataset node and specify the name of the GIS layer, the feature type, and the alias that will be used for the dataset. For example, these attribute values might be used for a layer called GIS_Images:

Attribute Value
alias Images
featuretype image
name GIS_Images

To connect a dataset to records in Infor Public Sector, specify the moniker of the business object that the dataset is linked to and the column that links records in the two databases. In this example, a linear GIS_Sewer_Mains layer is linked to the Hansen.AssetManagement.Sewer.SewerMain object, and features in the GIS dataset are linked to sewer mains in Infor Public Sector based on the COMPKEY:

Attribute Value
alias Sewer Mains
datalinkfield COMPKEY
featuretype linear
moniker Hansen.AssetManagement.Sewer.SewerMain
name GIS_Sewer_Mains

Similarly, to link a GIS_Parcels dataset to parcel records in Infor Public Sector, you would enter Hansen.Property.Parcel as the moniker and PRCLKEY as the data link field:

Attribute Value
alias Parcels
datalinkfield PRCLKEY
featuretype area
moniker Hansen.Property.Parcel
name GIS_Parcels

In this example, water valves are just one of three asset types that are included in a GIS_Water_Nodes layer. To show only water valves, you can include a filter to only show features where the COMPTYPE is 46:

Attribute Value
alias Water Valves
datafilterfield COMPTYPE
datafiltervalue 46
datalinkfield COMPKEY
featuretype point
moniker Hansen.AssetMangement.Water.WaterValve
name GIS_Water_Nodes