Clean Definition Manager Session Data

This task deletes data in the Infor Public Sector database that is generated by Definition Manager runs.

The Definition Manager creates temporary tables in the DMT_TEMP namespace. It also adds data such as session records and log entries to the tables in the CORE_DEFINITIONMANAGER namepace.

See "Definition Manager" in the Infor Public Sector Agency Personalization Administration Guide.


The Clean Definition Manager Session Data task can be scheduled and invoked manually through the Infor Public Sector Batch Manager form.

This table describes each parameter for this task:

Parameter Console Description
Drop Definition Manager Temp Tables DropTables (bool) Select this check box to delete the temporary DMT_TEMP tables that the Definition Manager adds to the database.
Delete Transfer Run and Stages Data CleanTransferRunsAndStages (bool) Select this check box to delete Definition Manager run and stage data from the DMTTRANSFERRUN, DMTTRANSFERPROCESS, and DMTTRANSFERSTAGE tables.
Delete Session Data CleanSessionData (bool) Select this check box to delete the Definition Manager session data from the ENTITY and PERMISSION tables.
Delete Transfer Log Data CleanLogs (bool) Select this check box to delete the log entries from the DMTLOG table.