Associating a contact with a parcel

By associating contacts with a parcel you can indicate whom your agency should correspond with regarding issues that affect the parcel. A parcel contact may be an owner, caretaker, tenant, or legal personnel.
  1. Load the parcel record you want into the Parcel InfoViewer, or begin to create a parcel record.
  2. On the Contacts tab, click Add above the grid.
  3. Enter the correct contact in the Contact Name field.
  4. If required, indicate whether the contact is the primary owner of the parcel, the percentage that the contact owns, and the dates of ownership.
  5. Click Save.

    Infor Public Sector closes the dialog box and shows the contact information in the Contacts grid. In the Contact and Property Browser, a node for the contact will be displayed within the parcel's node, and vice versa.

    You can now specify the capacity with which the contact is associated with the property, such as Owner or Contractor. To specify a capacity, enable editing in the grid and select the contact. Then specify the capacity code in the Contact Capacity field and click Save.