Defining a roadway type

Roadway types are the foundation of Roadway Asset Management. They determine the types of features, such as attributes, elements, and assets, that you can attach to each kind of roadway in your inventory.

  1. Select Asset Management > Assets > Roadway.
  2. On the Roadway tab, under Configuration, click Roadway Setup.
  3. In the Roadway Types tree, right-click the Roadway Types node and select Create Roadway Type.
  4. Type an identification code for the new roadway type in the Roadway Code field.
  5. Type a description of the roadway type in the Description field.
  6. Click Save.
    Infor Public Sector shows the new roadway type in alphanumeric order in the Roadway Types tree.
  7. Define the necessary supporting information for the roadway type, such as attributes, elements, and markings. You can add the asset types, attribute types, element types, lane types, and marking types that can be attached to this type of roadway.