Payments Only Arrangement Review Run

The Payments Only Arrangement Review Run task reviews accounts with "payments only" payment arrangements to ensure that the arranged payment amounts are within a certain percentage or amount of the billed amounts.

The task follows these steps:

  1. Load all payment arrangements that have a status of Active or Notice, that are for fixed amounts and payments only, and that meet the task's parameters.
  2. For each arrangement, get the sum of all arranged payments from the earlier of the arranged date or the start date, through the current date.
  3. For each arrangement, get the sum of actual billed amounts from the earlier of the arranged date or the start date, through the current date.
  4. For each arrangement, calculate the percentage or amount of arranged payments as compared to the actual billed amounts.
  5. If the percentage or amount is less than or greater than the values specified for the run, flag the arrangement as an exception.


This table describes the Infor Public Sector setup forms that are used to configure this task:

Setup form Comments
Feature Switches The Payment Arrangement feature must be active.


You can use the Batch Manager form or the Billing Calendar to schedule Payments Only Arrangement Review runs.

Note: The Payments Only Arrangement Review Run task uses the same code as the Payment Arrangement Review Run. A boolean parameter called IsPaymentsOnlyReview is used to distinguish Payments Only Arrangement Review runs.

This table describes each parameter for this task:

Form Console Description
Account Type AccountType (string) Account type for which you are reviewing payment arrangements.
Account Area AccountArea (string) Account area for which you are reviewing payment arrangements.
Account Class AccountClass (string) Account class for which you are reviewing payment arrangements.
Group Group (string) Account group for which you are reviewing payment arrangements.
Sub Group Subgroup (string) Account subgroup for which you are reviewing payment arrangements.
Billing Cycle BillingCycle (string) Billing cycle for which you are reviewing payment arrangements.
Arranged amount is less than __ % of billed amount LowPercent (int) Maximum percentage by which the arranged amount can fall short of the actual bill amount. Any arrangements with greater percentages will be flagged as exceptions.
Arranged amount is greater than __ % of billed amount HighPercent (int) Maximum percentage by which the arranged amount can exceed the actual bill amount. Any arrangements with greater percentages will be flagged as exceptions.
Arranged amount is outside __ of billed amount OutsideAmount (decimal) Maximum amount by which the arranged amount can either fall short of or exceed the actual bill amount.

Data output

This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:

Table Comments
BILLING.PAYMENTARRANGEMENT The PAYMTSONLYEXCEPTFLAG column identifies any arrangements that returned exceptions during the run.
BILLING. PAYMENTARRANGEMENTREVIEW Stores information on the Payment Arrangement Review run, including the run key, the number of arrangements reviewed, and the number of exceptions.

This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:

Form Comments
Payments Only Arrangement Review item in My Infor Shows a list of accounts where the arranged payment amount is either significantly greater or significantly less than the actual bill amount.