Water Meter Reading Review Run

The Water Meter Reading Review Run task analyzes water meter readings for one or more routes and stores the results so they can be reviewed and processed in the Review Readings form.

This process compares current readings and usage values with previous readings to determine if the current values are within the expected range. It also marks meters with problems such as no current reading or zero usage.

The task gives you several different comparison options, such as comparing the current reading with the prior reading or comparing the total usage for the current month with the same month last year. You can perform a separate analysis for each comparison option, giving you multiple analysis results for the same route.

You also have the option of including readings for any meters that were left out of previous reading review runs for different cycles, called off-cycle readings. For example, if meters must be reread due to exceptions, the readings might not be available until after the rest of the cycle has been analyzed.

  1. Load the meter routes to be analyzed from the METERMANAGEMENT.ROUTE table.
    1. If you’re analyzing routes imported in last 24 hours, only get those routes.
    2. If no route is specified for the run, load all routes in the specified cycle.
    3. If a route is specified, load that route.
  2. Create a reading batch record in the WATERMETERREADINGBATCH table for each route and compare option.

    The meter reading batch record keeps track of the reading reviews for a particular route and compare option. When you enter a cycle, route, and comparison option in Review Readings, Infor Public Sector will load the corresponding batch record, if one exists, and then load all of the meter analysis records associated with the batch.

    For each combination of cycle, route, and compare option, only the most recent batch record is kept. If an existing batch is found, it will be deleted and a new record added.

  3. For each batch, get the current meters and readings for each route to be analyzed.

    This step uses a complex SQL query to get all address positions in the route being analyzed from the RTADDR table; then get the active water meters associated with those positions; and finally get the readings and reading details, such as any reader codes or problem codes, and the associated utility accounts.

  4. Add any additional readings to the analysis run.
    1. If a value is set for the "Include readings from the last __ reviewed reading cycles" parameter, search for readings within the specified number of reading review runs for different cycles, distinct cycles, no routes, and at least one meter analyzed. Any readings that have not been analyzed will be included in the current run.
    2. If a formula is specified for the Conditional Readings parameter, evaluate the formula and add additional readings as required.
  5. For each current reading, get the compare reading, the current usage, and the compare usage based on the selected compare option.

    The current reading and the compare reading are distinct from the current usage and compare usage, because the usage values might be calculated based on more than one reading. For example, if you’re comparing the calendar month of the current reading with the same month last year, the current usage and the compare usage are based on all readings for that month.

  6. Add a record to the WATERMETERANALYSIS table, filling in the details based on the rules defined in Reading Review Setup.


This table describes the Configuration Editor settings that affect this task:

Configuration and pathComments
MeterManagement/ WaterMeterAnalysisTaskInputsThe PagerSize indicates the number of records to get from the database at a time; BatchSize indicates the number of records to analyze at a time.

This table describes the Infor Public Sector setup forms that are used to configure this task:

Setup formComments
Water Reading Review SetupDefines the rules Infor Public Sector follows when analyzing readings and marking exceptions.
Usage Estimate SetupDefines formulas for estimating usage when readings aren’t available.

This table lists the database tables that store setup information for this task:



You can use the Batch Manager form or the Billing Calendar to schedule reading review runs, and you can also use the Review Readings form to create a new run by hand.

When you enter a cycle and a compare option and click Search, Infor Public Sector first checks to see if the analysis has been performed for that compare option. If not, a dialog box is displayed asking if you’d like to run the analysis now.

This table describes each parameter for this task:

CycleMeterReadingCycle (string)Cycle for which you want to analyze readings.
RouterouteKey (int)Route for which you want to analyze readings. If you don’t enter a route, the task will analyze all routes in the cycle.
Include readings from the last __ reviewed reading cyclesBillingCycleDays (int)Use this parameter to include off-cycle readings from previous reading review runs in the current analysis. Infor Public Sector will search for readings that weren't analyzed within the specified number of previously reviewed cycles.
Conditional ReadingsFormulaEventHandlerKey (int)You can enter a formula to select any additional readings that you want to include in the analysis. Infor Public Sector will evaluate this formula after loading all the meter routes and exception readings to be analyzed.
Use Routes imported in the past 24 hrsUseRoutesImportedLast24Hrs (bool)Indicates that you want to analyze only those routes that were imported within the past 24 hours.
Choose one or more Options to ComparecomparisonOptions (List)Indicates how you want to compare readings to determine if they’re within the expected range. You can choose one or more of these options:
  • Calendar Month of Cycle Read with Prior Calendar Month
  • Calendar Month of Cycle Read with Same Month Last Year
  • Current Cycle with Prior Cycle
  • Current Cycle with Same Cycle Last Year
  • Current Reading with Prior Reading
  • Average Daily Usage with Prior Cycle Average Daily Usage
  • Current Cycle Reading with Prior Cycle Reading


If the Water Meter Reading Review Run task is successful, you can expect to see a series of messages similar to these in the Billing Batch Process log:

  • WaterMeterAnalysisRun: Started
  • Loading the routes imported in the last 24 hrs (if you selected that option)
  • Loading the routes in the cycle: [cycle]
  • Starting the analysis for the [route ID], CompareOption: [option]
  • Completed the analysis for the Route: [route ID], CompareOption: [option]
  • WaterMeterAnalysisRun: Completed

Common errors

This table lists some common errors that this task may return:

Error messageComments
No Active Meter found. Service may be Inactive, or Meter has been uninstalledNo active meter was found for a service position.

Data output

This table lists the database tables in which this task adds or updates records:

METERMANAGEMENT. WATERMETERANALYSISEach record in the WATERMETERANALYSIS table stores the analysis results for a single meter position.

The EXCEPTIONTYPE column indicates the status of the reading for the position, using these numeric codes: 1 (Acceptable), 2 (Approved), 3 (Exceptions), 4 (Problem Codes), or 5 (Reader Codes).

METERMANAGEMENT. WATERMETERREADINGBATCHEach meter reading batch record keeps track of the reading reviews for a particular route and compare option.

This table lists the Infor Public Sector forms that you can use to review the results of this task:

Review ReadingsShows the results of the water reading analysis.