FileManagement configuration

The FileManagement configuration defines settings for managing external files from within Infor Public Sector.

File Transfers

Use the File Transfers node to configure external storage services for files in Infor Public Sector. The File Transfers node has two children: Amazon S3 and SFTP.

The Amazon S3 node defines configuration settings to use Amazon S3 to upload and download files. This node has a child Authentication Profiles node, which has one or more profile nodes as children. Each profile node for Amazon S3 has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Access Key ID Access key to use when making requests to AWS.
Bucket Bucket in S3 to use for file transfers.
Name Name of the authentication profile. This is used to refer to the profile in formulas.
Region Region where the S3 bucket is located.
Root Path Root path. This is an optional value that will be added as a prefix to all file keys.
Secret Access Key Secret access key to use when making requests to AWS.

The SFTP node defines configuration settings to use SFTP to upload and download files. This node has a child Authentication Profiles node, which has one or more profile nodes as children. Each profile node for SFTP has these attributes:

Attribute Description
Host Host name of the SFTP server.
Name Name of the authentication profile. This is used to refer to the profile in formulas.
Password Password to authenticate to the SFTP server.
Port Port number to user on the SFTP server.
Username User name to authenticate to the SFTP server.