Defining feature viewers

The annotation tool can include one or more feature viewers that show lists of annotations using different criteria. For example, you might have an All Drawing list that includes all drawings, and a Local Drawings list that includes drawings within the current map extent.

feature list

To add feature lists, first add the FEATUREVIEWERS node as a child of the ANNOTATIONS node. Then add a child FeatureViewer node for each list that you want to define.

  • For the title attribute, enter the display title that you want to use for the annotation tool.
  • For the fields attribute, enter the fields that you want to show for each annotation in the list. You can enter one or more field names in a comma-separated list. Enclose the field name in brackets to get the value, such as [H8DESCRIPTION].
  • The showAll attribute indicates whether the list will include all annotations on the map that match the current filters. If the value is False, then the list will only include annotations in the current extent.

See FEATUREVIEWERS for descriptions of all of the available attributes. A sample configuration is shown below.

      <FeatureViewer showIcons="True" allowZoom="False" sort="True" 
nullText="N/A" showFilter="True" fields="[H8DESCRIPTION]" allowPan="False" 
showAll="False" groupby="[H8REGION]" toggleKeys="M+A+X" disabled="False" 
title="Local Drawings" closable="False" collapsible="True" />
      <FeatureViewer showIcons="True" allowZoom="True" sort="True" 
nullText="N/A" showFilter="True" fields="[H8DESCRIPTION]" allowPan="True" 
showAll="True" groupby="[H8REGION]" toggleKeys="M+A+A" disabled="False" 
title="All Drawings" closable="False" collapsible="True" />