Calculating which review assignment group to use

You can use an assignment group formula to calculate which review assignment group Infor Public Sector will use to automatically assign reviewers based on information recorded in a license, such as its location. For example, you could write a formula that adds a Background assignment group to any license that requires a background check of the applicant. When a background check is added to a license, Infor Public Sector looks for the specific assignment area value defined in the assignment group, such as a postal code or parcel ID. If found, Infor Public Sector assigns the group's reviewer to the review.

You specify an assignment group formula for a review type when you define the review type. You must specify an assignment group formula for a review type if you want Infor Public Sector to automatically assign reviewers to reviews of that type. You define assignment groups using Review Assignment Group. You then create the assignments for those groups using Review Assignment.

Assignment group formulas use the oTradeLicense object (an instance of the Hansen.CDR.TradeLicense.iTradeLicense class) to set AssignmentGroup to a string value that is the exact name of the assignment group you want. For more information about this object and for sample code, click the Information tab in the Formula Editor.


This example adds a Priority assignment group if the application has a high priority. Otherwise a State assignment group is added:

If oTradeLicense.Priority.Code.ToUpper = "HIGH" Then
  AssignmentGroup = "Priority"
  AssignmentGroup = "State"
End If