Creating a collections group

Unlike delinquency groups, you can only define a single collections group. All of your collections schemes will be children of this group.

See Creating a delinquency group.

  1. Select Billing > Setup > Delinquency > Collections Setup.
  2. Right-click the root node in the Collections Setup tree and select Create Group.
  3. Type a name for the collections group in the Group field.
  4. Specify the minimum delinquent amount for accounts in this group to qualify for collections in the Minimum Entry Amount field.
    Infor Public Sector will only assign an account to a collections scheme if its delinquent amount is greater than the value entered here.
  5. Specify a formula to determine which scheme accounts will be assigned to in the Entry Scheme Formula field.
  6. Type a number indicating the order in which Infor Public Sector will display the group in the Display Order field.
  7. Click Save.