Browser2 configuration

The Browser2 configuration defines the structure of the Address, Contact, Parcel, and Property trees in the Contact and Property Browser. The root BROWSER node has one attribute:

Attribute Description
maxSearchRecords Maximum number of records to show in the browser trees.

The BROWSER node has several Type nodes as children, each of which defines a browser tree. Each Type node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
accId Access ID for the browser. The access ID is a unique number that identifies the permission in Access Control that users must be granted to gain access to this browser.
componentMoniker Component moniker for the type of records that are displayed in the browser tree, such as Hansen.Property.Address for the Address tree.
componentSelectKey Property that serves as the primary key of the records in the tree.
detailAppletMoniker Moniker of the applet that shows detailed information when a user selects a record in the tree.
detailAppletParameter Value to send as a parameter when opening the detail applet.
displayTextPlural Plural display text for the browser tree, such as Addresses.
displayTextSingular Singular display text for the browser tree, such as Address.
id ID for the browser tree.
license License that users must be granted to have access to this browser.
mapDrawerId ID of the Map Drawer that is associated with this browser tree.
rootIconUrl URL of the icon to show next to the root node of the browser tree.
searchAppletMoniker Moniker of the applet that is used to search for records of this type.

Each Type node can have six children: ACTIONS, COMPONENTMENUS, COMPONENTSUBNODES, DISPLAY, MENUS, and Version.

The ACTIONS node defines the options that are displayed in the menu for the Action button. This node has several menu nodes as children, each of which defines a menu item. Each menu node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
access id Access ID for the menu item. The access ID is a unique number that identifies the permission in Access Control that users must be granted to gain access to this item.
appletMoniker0 Moniker of the applet to show when a user selects the menu item.
id ID for the menu item.
license License that users must be granted to have access to this menu item.
methodName0 Method to execute when a user selects the menu item.
text Display text of the menu item.

The COMPONENTMENUS node defines the menu items that are displayed when a user right-clicks on a record in the browser tree. This node has several menu nodes as children, each of defines a menu item. Each menu node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
accId Access ID for the menu item. The access ID is a unique number that identifies the permission in Access Control that users must be granted to gain access to this menu item.
appletMoniker Moniker of the applet to show when a user selects the menu item.
id ID for the menu item.
license License that users must be granted to have access to this menu item.
methodName Method to execute when a user selects the menu item.
text Display text of the menu item.

The COMPONENTSUBNODES node has several subNode nodes as children. Each subNode node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
accId Access ID for the subnode. The access ID is a unique number that identifies the permission in Access Control that users must be granted to gain access to this subnode.
detailAppletMoniker Moniker of the applet that shows detailed information when a user selects the subnode.
detailAppletParameter Value to send as a parameter when opening the detail applet.
iconUrl URL of the icon to show next to the subnode.
id ID for the subnode.
license License that users must be granted to have access to this subnode.
text Display text of the subnode.

Each subNode node can have two children: MENUS and SUBNODES. These are the same as the MENUS and SUBNODES nodes that are children of a Type node.

The DISPLAY node defines how records will be identified in the browser tree. You can define one or more templates that specify the information that is displayed on the nodes in the tree, such as how contacts' names are displayed in the Contacts tree.

The DISPLAY node has several Type nodes as children. Each Type node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
Component Test Property Value Component property value for which this template will be used.
Database Test Property Value Database property value for which this template will be used.
Default? Indicates whether this is the default display template for the browser tree.
Display Template Template that defines how records will be identified in the browser tree.
Icon Url URL of the icon to show next to nodes in the tree.

The MENUS node defines the options that are displayed when a user right-clicks on the root node of the browser tree. This node has several menu nodes as children, each of which defines a menu item. Each menu node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
accId Access ID for the menu item. The access ID is a unique number that identifies the permission in Access Control that users must be granted to gain access to this item.
appletMoniker Moniker of the applet to show when a user selects the menu item.
id ID for the menu item.
license License that users must be granted to have access to this menu item.
methodName Method to execute when a user selects the menu item.
text Display text of the menu item.

The Version node defines how the browser tree shows version information for records that support versioning. This node can have these attributes:

Attribute Description
isCurrentProperty Property that indicates whether a record is the current version.
versionDisplayTemplate Template that defines how the version number will be displayed in the browser tree.
versionProperty Property that specifies the version number of a record.