Grid column properties


Property Description
ID (advanced) Identification code for the column.

You cannot change the IDs of the out-of-the-box controls.

You can change the IDs that Infor Public Sector generates for agency-defined controls, but we recommend that you use the default values.


ViewAccessID (advanced)Access ID for the permission that users must be granted to view this column.
ZoomAccessID (advanced)Access ID for the permission that users must be granted to zoom from this column.
ViewAccessPath (advanced) Path of the permission that users must be granted to view this column.

The access path is an alternative to the access ID. For example, the access ID for the permission to create a work order is 8434, and the path is Work Management/Work Order/Create Work Order.

ZoomAccessPath (advanced) Path of the permission that users must be granted to zoom from this column.


DisplayNameTitle that is displayed at the top of the grid column.
ToolTipTooltip that is displayed when a user hovers over the column title.
WidthWidth of the column in pixels. The default is 100. To set the width dynamically, enter 0.


ReadOnlyIndicates whether the column is display-only.
CanUpdate (advanced)Indicates whether the column can be edited during inline editing.
ConvertNullRecs (advanced)Indicates whether Infor Public Sector will show a blank field for a null record in the data source. A null record in the data source is indicated by a 1, so this will show a blank field rather than a 1.
ExcludeFromUniqueId (advanced)Excludes this column from the unique preference ID of the grid.
IsUnique (advanced)Indicates whether the value you enter in this column must be unique within the grid. If you set this property to True, then you cannot add more than one record with the same value in this column.
HasPopup (advanced)Indicates whether a popup button is displayed in the column when a user edits a record in the grid.
HideAlways (advanced)Indicates whether the column is hidden in the grid.
PopupOnly (advanced)Indicates whether users can enter data by typing directly in the column. If this property is set to True, then users must use the popup to enter data in the column.
Required (advanced)Indicates whether the user must enter information in the column.
ShowAsHTML (advanced)Indicates the column can format HTML.
UseHTMLEditor (advanced)Indicates whether HTML (rich text) formatting is used for this column.


DataTypeInternal storage type of the data entered in the column.
FormatType of data users can enter in the column.
MaxSizeMaximum width of the grid column.


PopupRule (advanced)Method that will be executed when a user clicks the column’s popup button. You can use the OpenAgencyPopupSearch method here to open address, contact, or asset popups.

See OpenAgencyPopupSearch.

EditMethod (advanced)No longer used.
EditMoniker (advanced)No longer used.
ZoomColumn (advanced)Grid column used to send data to the zoom event handler.
Zoom (advanced)Moniker of the applet Infor Public Sector will execute when a user zooms from the column. Zooming means clicking the column text to open the associated InfoViewer, such as opening the Work Order InfoViewer from a grid that lists work orders.
ZoomRule (advanced)Method that will be executed when a user zooms from the column.


SortMethod (advanced)Indicates how the column is sorted. You can select None, Application, or Provider. If you choose None, then the column is not sorted. The other two options determine whether sorting is done in Infor Public Sector or in the database.
SortAs (advanced)String to use for a DataView sort. (For internal development use only.)
SortProviderAs (advanced)Business object property that Infor Public Sector will use to sort when a user sorts on this column. This can be a different property than the one the column is bound to, because the bind might not be a database column.


BindBusiness object property that the column is bound to.
DefaultValue (advanced)Default value Infor Public Sector will enter in the column when you add a new record to the grid.
Moniker (advanced)Moniker of the business object that the column is bound to. The Moniker and Bind fields specify the popup that Infor Public Sector will show for the column.
SourceMode (advanced)Source mode of the grid.
SourceMoniker (advanced)Source moniker of the grid.